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  • 行政區:太平區
  • 作品名稱:太極合和
  • 作者:楊奉琛  
  • 年代:2012
  • 類型:立體雕塑,立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)
  • 材質:環保砂岩、複合媒材
  • 尺寸:高600 cm、直徑120cm
  • 地點:臺中市太平區大興路201號(臺中市屯區藝文中心)
  • 經費:6,600,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市立屯區藝文中心
  • 執行小組:謝棟樑、沈芷蓀、許文融、蔡博維、郭恬氳
萬象森列,圓融有序,環宇之音,傳頌千里。金、木、水、火、土、陰陽,為音律的本體。 音流及律動,透過光、色、音,海納入眾心。「金」音級的揚抑,強弱變化,在音樂形象的塑造佔著重要的作用,類同呼吸的頻率。「木」和弦的強與弱、不穩定與不協和,構成了和聲的功能。曲樂的融合,正是養份宅體的最終根本。「水」讚嘆樂風悠揚,音的氣息,節拍振幅的強弱與速度,透過流動,融和的運行。「火」音律為樂音中維繫音的準確度及相互關係的基準,音區在音域中,流暢調式的循環序進。「土」旋律是音樂的靈魂,音列的排序,建構音的總合。猶如大地為母,共載萬物。「陰陽」樂譜中的五線, 動極而靜,靜極生陰。靜極復動,一動一靜,萬樂根本。
All objects and phenomena move in prefect harmony. The universal voice of truth extends far and beyond.Metal, wood, water, fire, soil & Yin-Yang are the principles of all sounds. Through light, color and rhythm, our hearts are purified by these sound and motions. Metal:The rises and falls of scales, the strength and weakness of beats,like the frequency of our breath,play important role in creating unique musical style. Wood:The strength and weakness, the instability and discord of each chords, integrate to perfect harmony. The completed fusion is the root of total well-being. Water:The melodious praise, the move of each notes,the strength and speed of each beats,flow harmonically just like water. Fire:Temperament is the base for maintaining the accuracy and inter-relation of every note. Notes move smoothly and accordingly in each section. Soil:Rhythm is the soul of music. Like Gaia who carries everything in the world, by arranging notes, rhythms give life to music. Yin-Yang:The notes in five-line musical stave become still after they move to the extreme, and become stillness called ‘Yin’. At the extremity of stillness, there lies movement. The movement and stillness are the essence of music.
最後異動時間:2019-08-07 17:58:00
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