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  • 行政區:大肚區
  • 作品名稱:萬象大肚
  • 作者:李昀珊
  • 年代:2017
  • 類型:平面繪畫,立體雕塑,組合形式
  • 材質:SPHC熱軋鋼板(SS400)、藝術陶板、陶瓷馬賽克、抿石子
  • 尺寸:(長)525 cm×(寬)275 cm×(高) 400 cm
  • 地點:臺中市大肚區自治路81號
  • 經費:2,200,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市停車管理處
  • 取得方式:邀請比件
  • 執行小組:徐克銘、林盛宏、侯錦雄、鐘俊雄、姜樂靜
作品「萬象大肚」以山形編織創造跨越時空的穿越,蝶翼的飛翔乘載在地的文化與印記,讓每位社區居民都能在穿越中享受生命,編織自己的大肚色彩。 作品以「山」、「河流」、「蝶翼」和「圓滿」交織出大肚的過去、現在與未來。過去,這塊肥沃之地經歷許多族群的遷移爭奪,有著豐碩的歷史;現在,族群的融合與定居堆積出在地生活的能量;未來,能量擴散,停車場空間開啟社區的新紀元,「萬象大肚」將是大家蘊藏夢想的基地。
This artwork takes the shape of mountains and creates a signature that transcends time and space. The silhouette of butterfly wings on the sides symbolizes that the local community members thrive within their own culture and traditions, just like butteryflies flying around carefree. The symblols of “mountains”, “butterfly wings” and “perfection” represent the past, present and future of Dadu District. This once fertile land of Dadu was constantly fought over by many ethinic groups during different periods of time and thus has had a long and unique history. Nowdays, the harmonious coexistence of different groups, who have already settled down in this area, has created a strong and dynamic community. Starting from this new parking space, the community will evolve into a new level of development. The Kaleidoscope of Dadu is where our dreams begin.
最後異動時間:2021-02-03 16:36:00
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