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  • 行政區:北屯區
  • 作品名稱:廍菓精靈
  • 作者:陳明輝
  • 年代:2021
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:馬賽克、不鏽鋼
  • 尺寸:一.(長)200cm×(寬)94 cm×(高)205 cm 二.(長)678 cm×(寬)399 cm×(高)290 cm
  • 地點:廍子國民小學校門口內左側、廍子國民小學景賢路與和順路街角
  • 經費:1,880,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市北屯區廍子國民小學
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:張榮林、黃嘉勝、黃位政、黃映蒲、黃貴帝
一‧一顆巨大的奇幻種子在廍菓城堡逐日發芽茁壯,散發著歡樂的氣息並吸引許多動物前來。其中有代表著智慧與知識的貓頭鷹精靈(領角鴞)以及代表歡樂與活力的蝴蝶精靈(白蛺蝶),透過他們的守護,來到城堡的大人小孩們,都將接收到廍菓種子與精靈的深深祝福,重拾希望與歡樂。 二‧城堡街角誕生出一顆種子,長出一片片碩大的葉子,形成一片「廍菓森林」,守護著城堡。當小朋友遇到困難或心情沮喪時,只要來到這裡就可以獲得神秘的力量,突破重重難關,重拾歡樂笑容,讓我們一起探索吧!
1.A gigantic fantastical seed sprouts and grows stronger at Bu-Guo Castle as the days go by, giving off a jubilant atmosphere while attracting many animals to come here. Amongst these include Elf Owl (Collared Scops Owl) representing wisdom and knowledge, as well as Elf Butterfly (Helcyra) representing jubilance and vitality. Through their protection, adults and children coming to the castle will receive deep blessings from the Bu-Guo seed and elves to restore their hope and happiness. 2.A seed was born around the street corner by the castle, growing with huge leaves, forming the “Bu-Guo Forest” which protects the castle. When children encounter difficulties or are feeling down, they can be rewarded with mysterious power by coming here, capable of conquering all obstacles, and regaining happy laughter, so let us explore together!
最後異動時間:2021-07-29 14:05:00
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