作品名稱:綠蔭.菁菁/ Lush Greenery
創作者:吳建福/ Wu Chien-fu
設置地址:臺中中央公園 (407011臺中市西屯區中科路2966號)
五色鳥為台灣特有品種,又稱為「臺灣擬啄木」,在低海拔與都會公園常看見牠們身影。「咕!咕!咕!」的叫聲,牠們又名「和尚鳥」;五色鳥其實是一種重視家庭的鳥類,牠們築巢棲息於樹洞中,親鳥盡責的哺育小鳥,辛勤地飛翔於樹林間,不斷的找尋食物帶回巢中。在水湳經貿園區與中央公園周圍綠地氛圍 下,我們將自然生態中的五色鳥化為公共藝術形式表現,為中央公園營造低碳生態場域,森林為生態鳥類找到棲息之地,將這種關係去帶入到中央公園綠蔭的氛圍中,營造藝術與環境的共生關係。
The indigenous Taiwan Barbet, also known as the "Taiwan woodpecker," is commonly seen at low altitudes and in urban parks. Because the sound it makes resembles the chanting of monks it is known colloquially as the "Monk Bird." The species is also very family-oriented, with male and female birds building nests in tree hollows, while tirelessly scouring the forest in search of food to feed their young. Using the Taiwan Barbet as the focus for this public art work is informed by the lush greenery around Taichung Shuinan Economic and Trade Park and Taichung Central Park. The forest not only provides a low-carbon eco- system for Central Park, it is also home to different species of birds and this relationship adds to the greenery of the park, creating a situation in which art and environment symbiotically exist.