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  • 行政區:西屯區
  • 作品名稱:塔之語
  • 作者:艾瑞爾‧穆索維奇(Ariel Moscovici)
  • 年代:2015
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:不鏽鋼烤漆、蛇紋石
  • 尺寸:(長)180cm×(寬)180cm×(高)345cm
  • 地點:臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓文心樓及惠中樓廣場)
  • 經費:7,500,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市政府秘書處
  • 取得方式:委託創作
  • 執行小組:吳世瑋、顏煥義、劉培森、黃才郎、謝棟樑、余燈銓、李足新
「塔之語」為兩件直立的作品,如同守護生命般地佇立市政府大樓兩方的惠中樓及文心樓出入口處。紅色烤漆的鋼鐵材質增加周圍環境溫馨與正面的能量,期待此項設計能代表市府大樓的精神及靈魂,以人為核心的自由追求精神帶給廣大的民眾。 安置於市府大樓周圍,我們期待這項作品能夠發揮其作用及目的。提醒我們思考是需要借重文字,我們的腦海需要文字帶領我們進入想像,創造自由之路。文字可以引領我們找出正確的思考方向,而知所取捨。作品上呈現的文字則是由“民主”的字母組合而成,是此件雕塑的精隨所在,但是可用於不同的解讀方式,進而創造更多其他的文字。 此雕塑作品如同是為實現民主而不斷的祈求,重複表達著相同的想法,直到祈求轉為線條或路徑通達天頂,展現出為了達到改善制度與提升民主的目標,所經歷的無盡抉擇與可行方法。
The sculpture tower of words is the image of two standing figures, guardians of the entrances; they are supposed to be standing in front of gate A and B of the city hall. The material will be in red painted steel in order to create an warmth and positive atmosphere to the surroundings, they would represent the soul and spirit of the edifice, the search of freedom with Human in the center. I want them to remind us on the purpose and role of the City Hall and there are no thoughts without words. Our mind needs words in order to be able to imagine and create the path of freedom. Words can lead us to the other direction. The letters are the letters for the word democracy. They are the formation of the sculpture, but they can be read in many different ways and create many other words. The sculpture is like a repetitive prayer for democracy, repeating the same idea till it becomes a path toward the sky, showing the endless crossroads and possible ways to take in order to achieve the goal of improving our system and beyond.
最後異動時間:2020-09-22 10:25:00
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