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  • 行政區:西屯區
  • 作品名稱:從過去到未來之間
  • 作者:艾瑞爾‧穆索維奇(Ariel Moscovici)
  • 年代:2015
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:不鏽鋼烤漆
  • 尺寸:(長)700cm×(寬)435cm×(高)620cm
  • 地點:臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓府前廣場)
  • 經費:7,500,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市政府秘書處
  • 取得方式:委託創作
  • 執行小組:吳世瑋、顏煥義、劉培森、黃才郎、謝棟樑、余燈銓、李足新
「擁抱」,是一種互動的狀態,如同政府與民意之間的關係。不管在任何文化中,首長與公民就如同「伴侶」之間所衍伸出的「同為一體」的關係,於生活中會互相磨合、適應彼此,進而展望於未來互補優點,減少矛盾。 作品本身的三角形狀呈現出一個全方位的概念 - 堅若磐石且不停變化的新動力,地面上的大型底座指向著天空尋求更高層次的精神指標。該底座為今日的臺中組織了一個理想空間,供予人民生活、自由和安全,並朝著卓越科技化城市的目標邁進。 三角形的姿態透露出一個永恆體現,作品以一個點開始循無邊無際的天空尋找心靈的方向,訴說著高科技如果缺少了藝術的精神內涵也將失去價值。在跨越地平面這個垂直點後,人們將看見「第三條路線」。這條路線需要用心靈來與這份精神或天空相連結,如同一個「過去到未來」的過程,亦或是「物質到心靈」的概念。
About this Hug, I wanted to describe the correlation and dependence between the two buildings of Taichung City Hall, leaders and citizens just like a Couple who create the One by unifying complementary contradictions. The first act of creation in life, of the future and to the perfectness. The triangular form withholds a practical idea of stability and changing energy. It ends with a point facing toward the sky in search of a spiritual dimension. The base of the triangle represent the city organization creating a frame with an ideal space for peoples to live and to create freely and safely in order to achieve the technological excellence of Taichung today. The triangular movement toward the sky is the connection of the spiritual because high technology has no value without a spiritual support from the art, so the peoples have a third route after the horizontal cross this one is vertical. The one that makes the connection with the spiritual or sky. To use it peoples have to walk with their mind and heart not by their legs, like a movement from past to future or from material to spiritual.
最後異動時間:2020-09-22 10:26:00
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