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  • 行政區:西區
  • 作品名稱:彩筆生花
  • 作者:郭國相
  • 年代:2016
  • 類型:立體浮雕
  • 材質:不鏽鋼+陶瓷馬賽克鑲嵌
  • 尺寸:(長)210cm×(寬)210cm×(高)380  cm
  • 地點:臺中市西區自由路一段138號
  • 經費:750,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市大同國民小學
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:鄭麗娟、黃嘉勝、黃位政、姜樂靜、劉國隆
本案以筆為發想主軸,象徵本校建造於日本時期的歷史建築大樓,百年如新,以筆傳承,在時代裡成為教育之中流砥柱;基座之五片花瓣,鑲嵌彩色陶瓷馬賽克,亦象徵具百年歷史之大同國小仍能與時俱進,創新教育理念而作育英才無數,綻放出美麗盛花。 怡然躍動棲息於筆上的蝶影,綺麗多彩,羽翼映襯著孩子們快樂、活潑的身影與對未來的無限想像,同時象徵本校以Arts(藝術)、Humanities(人文)及Innovation(創新)為理念,培養孩子豐富涵養與精神特質,在學校的引導與啟發裡,其心智與潛力將如同花朵般綻放。
This project was inspired by the form and essence of the pencil, as symbolized by this historic building, constructed during the era of Japanese rule, and which, after one hundred years, remains as good as new. Having served over the years as a pillar of educational strength, today this building continues to stand tall and straight like a pencil. The five petals at the base are inlayed with colored ceramic mosaics, signifying that 100-year old Da Tung school has kept abreast with the times; employing the latest innovative educational concepts to countless students of talent, and in the process freeing their gifts and enabling them to blossom like flowers. The images of vivacious butterflies perched on the pencil are remarkable for their variegated colors. Their spreading wings reflect the happy, lively spirits of children and their limitless dreams for the future. Moreover, they symbolize the school’s role in cultivating the inner quality and spiritual growth of students by the introduction of arts, humanities, and innovation. Under the guidance and inspiration of school principles, the intellect and potential of the students are quickly stimulated and henceforth bloom.
最後異動時間:2024-12-13 14:26:00
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