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  • 行政區:梧棲區
  • 作品名稱:小小世界
  • 作者:許唐瑋
  • 年代:2017
  • 類型:立體垂吊及壁掛造形
  • 材質:不鏽鋼、不鏽鋼結構、鋼板烤漆、固定五金
  • 尺寸:(長)650cm×(寬)500 cm×(高)10 cm
  • 地點:臺中市梧棲區文化路一段6號(臺中市梧棲區梧南國民小學)
  • 經費:750,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市梧棲區梧南國民小學
  • 取得方式:邀請比件
  • 執行小組:林怡光、黃嘉勝、李思賢、顏名宏、李祈聖
In architectural modeling, the houses of Wu-Nan Elementary School bear marine life-like flow lines, and local climate and sea breezes are rigorous at times as the school stand by the ocean. Because of these features, the idea to create Small World is derived from observation on the strong vitality of flora and fauna primitively growing under the sea, and the interaction of those benthos and the oceanic surroundings. Seeking and exploring advantageous locations and living conditions to bridge over the environmental difficulties is also an important concept for designing and making this Small World at the initial stage. The climbing artwork is attached to an outer corner of the schoolhouse, while the bulky building protect the work. The patterns painted on the surface of the work demonstrate the shapes and lines just like protophyte and protozoan in the sea; through a variety of traits and multi-level change of colors, the artist wants to bring this corner a thriving and bright image with superimposed delights by twining real space and underwater world together. The Small World shows the formidable life force of thalassic animals and plants, just like the school kids growing strong and sturdy bit by bit;nevertheless, it may also be found that they are brought up so fast while giving a careful and close observation. We hope this artwork can inspire the public to have more thoughts about the interaction between any beings and their environments.
最後異動時間:2021-07-15 11:34:00
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