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  • 行政區:沙鹿區
  • 作品名稱:方正圓滿
  • 作者:林文海
  • 年代:2010
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:不鏽鋼、銅
  • 尺寸:「方正」長 90 cm、寬 90 cm、高 90 cm;「圓滿」長 230 cm、寬 50 cm、高 230 cm
  • 地點:財政部臺灣省中區國稅局沙鹿稽徵所
  • 經費:2,080,000
  • 管理維護單位:財政部臺灣省中區國稅局
  • 取得方式:邀請比件
  • 執行小組:蕭樹村、劉風烈、謝佩霓、余燈銓、黃嘉勝、翁敏欽
「方正」,方方正正,是做人之本,有主張和原則,由四個面和八個方塊組成,象徵著為來自四面八方的各行各業提供全方位之 專業服務。「圓滿」,圓圓滿滿,泰然自若,是妥妥當當的處世錦囊。互握 之手象徵稅務人員與社會大眾緊密環扣的關係,是一種保證、承 諾與信任,更是優良稅務團隊建構的表徵,能催生出源源不斷的合力。
The square represents fairness. It is a foundation of being a human. People must have their own idea and principles. This work is composed by four sides and eight pieces. It signifies it will provide fully professional service for various people and business that come from different directions. Being contented is a perfect way to dealing with people in the world. Using the model of holding hand as a core presents the close relationship between duty cashiers and the whole society. It is shows promise and trust, and it is the expression of composing excellent groups of duty cashiers. Finally, it creates continuing cooperation.
最後異動時間:2019-08-01 08:48:00
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