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  • 行政區:清水區
  • 作品名稱:候鳥歸來
  • 作者:林昭慶/古采藝創環境有限公司
  • 年代:2017
  • 類型:立體浮雕,立體雕塑,立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)
  • 材質:木、竹、漂流木
  • 尺寸:約寬50 x 高65cm
  • 地點:臺中市清水區高南里美堤街8號(高美濕地遊客服務中心)
  • 經費:2,230,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市政府建設局
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:陳永欣、賴東宏、侯錦雄、林文海、余燈銓、李思賢、陳聖中
鳥與人的距離,隨著人類的友善而逐漸拉近… 如同來自遠山的漂流木,在河流與大海的想望間,找尋一處溫柔的停靠 高美溼地是國內重要的鳥類生態保育區,為了儘可能提供民眾對於濕地保育的教育概念,藝術家特以創作工作坊的形式,邀請民眾透過生態講座、公共藝術賞析等課程,瞭解濕地及環境保育的重要性,並帶領民眾發揮想像力,運用漂流木製做成候鳥造型裝置設置於草地間,並於一年間以每季的照片,記錄作品於天地間自然損壞與滅失的過程,持續展演生物與環境的互動關係,提醒觀者對於大地永續的重要性與責任性。 註:為尊重作品於天地間自然演化的過程及民眾共創的記錄,特留下此說明牌以茲紀念。
The distance between birds and man gradually draws nearer as man becomes friendlier… Like driftwood from deep in the mountain, searching for a tender place to stop between the river and ocean. Gaomei Wetland is an important place for the conservation of bird ecology in Taiwan. The artist uses a creative workshop to let visitors learn about wetland conservation, inviting them to participate in lectures on ecology and courses on public art appreciation, which allow them to understand the importance of wetlands and environmental conservation and lets them use their imagination. Figures of migrant birds are made from driftwood and placed in the grass. The natural deterioration and eventual ruin of the works are documented by photos of each season throughout the year, showing the interaction between organisms and the environment, reminding viewers of the importance of sustainability and their responsibility. Note: This de ion was provided to show respect for the natural development of the artwork in nature and documentation together with visitors.
最後異動時間:2021-07-15 11:11:00
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