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  • 行政區:北區
  • 作品名稱:巧學
  • 作者:景茂藝術有限公司/黃耿茂
  • 年代:2023
  • 類型:平面壁畫,立體浮雕
  • 材質:陶板、馬賽克
  • 尺寸:左側 154×463×10公分(寬x高x深) 右側 675×218×3.5公分(寬x高x深)
  • 地點:北平路正門口及警衛室周邊牆面
  • 經費:590,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市北區立人國民小學
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:李秀美、黃嘉勝、魏炎順、李思賢、王宏檳
作品延伸學校視覺符號及色彩計畫 -「藍色圓形象徵共融合作之品格、紅色三角形象徵親師生共同努力打造學習三角、綠色正方形象徵如樹木欣欣向榮之健康力、黃色六邊形則是多元角度的創造力」,以這四個形狀代表立人學子們有無限可塑性,孩子們在象腿樹下學習及閱讀,並以擬人化的大象與地球意象,展現群體共好及國際觀教育精神理念,搭配與學生共創之藝術教育陶板,及綻放的向日葵花的意象,期許每一個立人學子都有嶄新美好的未來。
This artwork reflects the school identity, including four geometrical shapes and colors. The blue circle represents the goals of inclusion and teamwork in school education. The red triangle emphasizes the collaborative efforts in learning among teachers, students, and parents. The green square symbolizes the health and strength of students like prosperous trees. Finally, the yellow hexagon depicts the creativity of students from multiple perspectives. They together hint at the infinite potential of students. The artwork features a personified elephant and the earth to reveal the spirits of the school in seeking common good and international perspective and inspire students while reading and learning underneath the elephant-like tree trunk. Additionally, the sunflower with hand-made ceramic panels by students manifests the bright future of students in the Li-Ren Elementary School.
最後異動時間:2023-04-19 08:47:00
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