  • 友善列印
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  • 行政區:豐原區
  • 作品名稱:物件之島
  • 作者:好伴社計、AHA 臺灣義築協會、陳珈汝、吳有容及社區居民
  • 年代:2018
  • 類型:立體傢俱設施
  • 材質:木夾板、天然蜂蠟、壓克力磚:壓克力、環氧樹脂、玻璃
  • 尺寸:1. 木構櫃體 (每1單元,共3單元): (長) 200 cm x (寬) 100 cm x (高) 200 cm 2. 可動木構載體 (每1單元,共1單元): (長) 100 cm x (寬) 100 cm x (高) 110 cm
  • 地點:臺中市豐原區安康段社會住宅的一樓「安康好客廳」內
  • 經費:806,800
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市政府住宅發展工程處
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:黃文彬、紀英村、陳靖怡、何明泉、黃嘉勝、李思賢、張惠蘭
《物件之島》由四座小島組成,分別乘載著創造各種生命力的物件——孕育之島為綠意植蔬的農藝物件、餵養之島為刀皿鍋碗的廚藝物件、編織之島為縫紉繡補的手藝物件、創造之島為錘切雕刨的工藝物件,並透過社區居民與作品的長期互動,讓島上的物件更多樣、有機且親近日常。 作品實體形象雖為乘載物件的島,但如果我們轉換視角:整座社會住宅也如同一座島,乘載了一個個家戶的生活。看似平凡的日常裡,因為居住者的多樣性,小孩、少年、長者、獨自生活者、小家庭、三代同堂⋯⋯,多元族群交織於此,讓不同的情感和故事也融匯在這座島上,藝術家萃取了這樣多元的記憶,製成物件磚,鑲嵌在作品中。 這座島承載不同記憶、這座島可以孕育新的生命、這座島可以餵養一家大小、這座島可以編織你我的關係、這座島可以創造獨特的人生風景。
The Island of Things consists of four islands each carrying objects that create different kinds of vitality. The Island of Nurturing is planted with agricultural items; The Island of Feeding is full of culinary wares; The Island of Weaving contains embroidered handicraft objects; and The Island of Creation holds cutting and hammering tools. By encouraging members of the community to interact with the work for long periods of time, the objects on the islands become more diverse, organic, and closer to our daily lives. The work might take on the figurative form of islands that each carries various objects. However, if we take on a different perspective, the social housing building is akin to an island wherein households live their daily lives. Children, teenagers, elderly people, those living alone, small families, and three generation families, etc. Different inhabitants all bring different experiences and stories to this island, allowing the artist to extract these diverse memories and make them into story bricks embedded into the work. This is an island that carries different memories, nurtures new life, feeds families, weaves relationships, and creates unique scenery of life.
最後異動時間:2022-02-25 13:59:00
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