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  • 行政區:南屯區
  • 作品名稱:方的漫遊
  • 作者:林舜龍
  • 年代:2021
  • 材質:不鏽鋼管、噴霧、LED
  • 尺寸:(長) 2360 cm×(高) 1350 cm
  • 地點:臺中市精密機械科技創新園區服務中心外側三面牆面上
  • 經費:11,403,537
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市政府經濟發展局、臺中市政府勞工局
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:鄭錫禧、聶政偉、張惠蘭、魏炎順、黃珮茵、林美雯、陳文彥 因機關代表職務調動,109年3月後會議執行小組名單如下: 潘守亷、林盟浤、張惠蘭、魏炎順、黃珮茵、林美雯、陳文彥
大牆下方的橫線如地母般平 穩,從中央缺口處向上推移出屬於大地的方,方形懸掛在大牆中央,四邊定時噴灑的水霧,起初四方如矩,逐漸改變樣態並隨風飄散;當夜間燈光亮起,與水霧疊加形塑迷人氛圍。金字塔的座標、方位與基座邊長蝕刻在鋼板上,從數據中傳遞由人力精實建構的穩固基礎。
As firm and steady as the Earth God, a horizontal bar lies near the bottom of the big wall while a central part of the bar breaks away and moves upward to form a square symbolizing the earth . The square , hung in the middle of the big wall , periodically ejects plumes of mist from its sides to assume the pattern of a rectangle but little by little the pattern transforms and wafts to the air. A fascinating atmosphere is created particularly during the evening thanks to the water mist and background lighting. Etched on steel plate sat tached to the big wall are coordinates, orientation and lengths of base sides of the pyramid to convey with figures the solid foundation constructed with human efforts.
最後異動時間:2021-09-15 13:29:00
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