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  • 行政區:豐原區
  • 作品名稱:繪燴匯
  • 作者:好得藝術工作室
  • 年代:2021
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:不鏽鋼烤漆、高溫彩陶、馬賽克、抿洗石、LED燈具
  • 尺寸:1.長50*寬32*高295公分 2.長56*寬32*高291公分
  • 地點:八方國際觀光夜市(建物正面主入口區兩座花台區塊)
  • 經費:600,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市豐原區公所
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:黃建龍、陳啟明、黃嘉勝、陳信安、李思賢
美食是了解臺灣文化代表,夜市小吃更是每個臺灣人心中的生活日常。 感受臺灣飲食文化的熱力、創意與感官享受,夜市因群眾裹腹需求匯集,以各種感官刺激群眾味蕾,川流不息,聚於此地消費嚐鮮、休憩娛樂。從兩座葫蘆中冒出如水川流動之型,化為眼耳鼻口之意,表現場域給予的四種感官饗宴,繪製成了一幅地方的特色景致。 不鏽鋼造型所示之眼耳鼻口,象徵於此有著吸引目光、聽覺饗宴、鼻嗅其香與開口嚐鮮之意。而兩座陶製的葫蘆柱體,以刻劃著豐原字樣的淺浮雕,展現豐收之原的風貌。
The best way to understand Taiwanese cul-ture is through our food, and night market snacks represent a part of the locals’ dai-ly lives. The bustling night market is where you can experience the passion, crea-tivity, and sensory pleasures of Taiwan’s food culture. People come to fill their bellies and discover new sensory enjoy-ments. This art installation offers an interpreta-tion of the unique local character. Water flows forth from the two pilgrim’s gourds, symbolizing the endless pleasures the mar-ket offers to the eye, ear, mouth, and nose. The stainless-steel eye, ear, mouth, and nose indicates the pleasant sight and sound experience accompanied with sweet aromas and delicious delicacies; and the two ceramic pilgrim’s gourds are embossed with the two characters “Feng Yuan”, which is not only the name of this district but also carries the concept of abundance (the literal meaning of Fengyuan is “field of abundance”).
最後異動時間:2021-07-06 09:16:00
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