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  • 行政區:外埔區
  • 作品名稱:字裡的風景
  • 作者:林一中
  • 年代:2021
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:水泥、礦物粉末
  • 尺寸:(長)42 cm×(寬) 42 cm×(高) 42 cm×11組
  • 地點:臺中市立圖書館外埔分館大門入口前草皮
  • 經費:1,080,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市立圖書館 外埔分館
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:黃嘉勝、李思賢、余燈銓、蔡顯恭、張曉玲
中文字有著特殊的文字結構 與圖像思維,早期的農牧生 活奠定重要文字與圖像 邏輯,這組作品在這樣的思維 起點生成,田字結構與中文字、部首的分類或是與圖像的連結在這樣的基礎上,改編或造字與主題有關的內容,藉由部首或是圖像擴展,如同圖書館是文字與知 識的收集處。 形式運用窗花、切面及字體,三者之間作調整,找到最合適的體;窗的特性是一種內對外的延續是空間重要的靈魂,自然光線讓鏤空處隨著時間產生不同律動,切面讓文字結構,看似破壞確產生新的意涵,空間上的轉折,配合光影的韻律,延伸原有文字表象,這何嘗不是在閱讀書籍後的領悟,也就是外埔圖書館提供給我們最美的風景。
Chinese characters have their own distinctive special structure and pictorial thinking, with ancient rural life providing important character and pictorial logic. This framework represents the starting point for our work, based on the square structure of characters, the categorization of radicals and the connection to pictorial images. It also involves rearranging or creating characters focused on thematic content, using the expansion of the radical or pictorial reference in the same way libraries are collections of writing and knowledge. In terms of form we use paper cut for window decorations, cross sections and different character styles, adjusting the interplay of these elements to find the most suitable combination. The special nature of windows is to be found in the way their inside-outside extension represents the soul of space. Natural light ensures the openwork area changes with time and although the cross-section makes the structure of the characters appear broken it also creates new meaning. In concert with the rhythm of light and shade the transformation of space extends the shape and form of the original characters. This is not only a post- reading realization, it is also the beautiful landscape provided by Waipu Municipal Library.
最後異動時間:2021-06-30 16:54:00
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