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  • 行政區:西屯區
  • 作品名稱:杏林蹊徑-護生
  • 作者:簡明輝
  • 年代:2018
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:不鏽鋼、彩色玻璃球
  • 尺寸:(長)950cm ×(寬)830cm ×(高)1650cm
  • 地點:臺中市西屯區臺灣大道四段1650號(臺中榮民總醫院)
  • 經費:9,668,500
  • 管理維護單位:臺中榮民總醫院
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:林盛宏、李思賢、倪朝龍、陳信安、洪清安、張宗泓、魏朝政
自「醫療能量」層面擷取「杏林春暖」讚語,由「蹊徑自成」體現「醫病關係」的良好互動,兩相加成為設置總主題「杏林蹊徑」。此外,輔設蝶群環繞,象徵「春舞翩翩」,以及「How do you do?!」(好兔優兔)迎賓兔群,營造愛麗絲夢遊仙境中入口樹洞的超現實氛圍。 「護生」:象徵醫療人員「守護生命」的職責使命。 1. 果實部份以紅、橙、黃等暖色系呼應熱情、積極與希望等正面能量,藉此突顯醫護人員心懷救人第一的熱忱與使命感。 2. 根部塑型使用線條模擬人形,或有高舉雙手者,或有屈膝蹲地者,彷如疊羅漢一般彼此支撐依靠,象徵醫療體系納含醫師、護理師、藥師等各領域專業人士,而所有人都是全心全力,合作無間地照護病人。"
"Public art theme: “Compassionate Medical Treatment” This work extrapolates from the Chinese language expression “in praise of high medical skill” (Xing Lin Chun Nuan ). It also showcases the selfless spirit of medical care and how the development of a good relationship between medical professionals and patients represents “compassionate medical treatment.” The incorporation of butterflies as part of the work symbolizes the vitality of spring and the rabbits represent a play on words warmly greeting visitors, while creating a surrealist atmosphere reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland. “Protectors of Life”: This symbolizes the calling of medical professional to treat illness and save life. 1. The red, orange and yellow fruit in the trees is in warm hues that correspond to the positive energy generated by the passion, pro-activism and hope that imbues Taichung Veterans General Hospital. This also showcases the enthusiasm and sense of mission embraced by all medical professionals as they treat patients. 2. The roots of the trees are crafted so that they resemble the shape of a person, one with arms held aloft the other kneeling, as if part of a human pyramid supporting each other. This symbolizes the way in which doctors, nurses and pharmacists work seamlessly together to achieve optimal outcomes in patient care."
最後異動時間:2021-07-15 13:41:00
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