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  • 行政區:潭子區
  • 作品名稱:揚潭新象
  • 作者:郭國相
  • 年代:2018
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:不鏽鋼、植物、石頭、陶瓷
  • 尺寸:(長) 350 cm×(寬) 330 cm×(高) 510cm
  • 地點:臺中市潭子區潭興路一段與豐興路一段路口
  • 經費:2,968,500
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市政府民政局
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:王淑貞、劉振村、黃嘉勝、余燈銓、李思賢、黃文彬、王懷亮、張文滋
本案[揚潭新象]即以一個個大小錯落聚散的水坑為概念意象,沿引潭子地理歷史人文的開端,在基座疊層的水坑中心處貫穿以圓弧軸線,如植物生長般向上延展、優雅交錯,不僅象徵其為大臺中地區對外連結重要的樞紐,亦期許潭子能不僅保有地區特色且持續翻轉蛻變,加注時代活力,不斷地與時俱進而開展新貌。 此外,水坑以石與不鏽鋼為材,呈現出不同特質之色澤與紋理,譬喻潭子多元融合之歷史與風情。貫串其中的圓弧軸線,姿態圓融,弧線彎處鑲嵌有彩色玻璃,在不同視角下,日照星耀,各有風情,象徵潭子從古溯源之身影風貌,亦將優雅變身,展示新象,如同節點上的不鏽鋼圓球般,似行雲流水之流暢,於歷史乘載與現代新貌中怡然優游。
The crisscrossing puddles are adopted as the constructional motif for this work, ti-tled New Tanzi Prospect, representing the course of Tanzi’s historical development. The arcing lines, threading through the puddles like growing plants, not only sym-bolize Tanzi’s status as a hub for Greater Taichung but also present its transfor-mation with preserved local features. Using this recipe for vitality, Tanzi continues to change with the passage of time and open new pages for the future. The puddles are constructed from stone and plant with diverse colors and textures, thereby symbolizing the diverse history of Tanzi. If you look from different angles at the rounded arcing lines, decorated with stained glasses, you will discover its multi-faceted beauty. In addition, this work also showcases Tanzi’s transformation with a new outlook. The stainless steel balls, as airy as floating clouds, seem to travel along the paths of Tanzi’s development.
最後異動時間:2021-01-18 17:53:00
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