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花漾舞春風 蝶影躍森悠
  • 行政區:外埔區
  • 作品名稱:花漾舞春風 蝶影躍森悠
  • 作者:郭國相
  • 年代:2019
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:不鏽鋼
  • 尺寸:(長)1400cm×(寬)1100cm×(高)580cm
  • 地點:2018臺中世界花卉博覽會外埔園區樂農館旁花海山丘
  • 經費:4,130,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市政府農業局
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:黃名亨、周憲民、鍾德頌、陳彥斌、朱惠芬、余燈銓、陳冠君、張惠蘭、廖秀玲
花型優美的臺灣百合為臺灣特有的百合品種,因而種名為"福爾摩沙",是原住民族魯凱族崇高尊貴的象徵植物。純白的花朵高雅潔淨,常被引為自由民主的象徵,其堅韌旺盛的生命力,總能成為野地裡美麗的焦點。 【花漾舞春風 蝶影躍森悠】以臺灣百合仰天綻放的姿態為意象,猶若正向世界吹奏著美妙樂章,其花蕊向外伸展於空中後,蜿蜒深植泥土,不僅譬喻深根厚實的臺灣精神,亦猶如交織的樂音線譜,不斷傳頌著臺灣之美,歌詠著美好,藉此喚起人們對自然生態的重視,珍惜地球資源,共創世界地球村的綠意生活與美好未來!
Cultivated in Taiwan, the elegant-looking Formosa Lily is considered an honorable indigenous plant by the Rukai Aboriginal people. The purity of this flower represents openness and freedom while its adaptable characteristics allow it to endure well in rough and wild environments with a tough, yet exquisite, vitality. [Flowers and Butterflies Dancing in the Breeze ] Turned upward, the Formosa Lilies welcome visitors from all over the world to the Taichung World Flora Exposition. The flowers’ pistils curl outward and touch the ground, symbolizing the deep roots of the Taiwanese. At the same time, the lengthy pistils resemble the musical notes of a pleasing performance for visitors, as they savor delightful music of Taiwan. Our melodies express hopes for a beautiful future filled with blessings, and encouraging all to care for Earth and her environment to create a verdant, beautiful world!
最後異動時間:2019-08-02 18:03:00
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