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  • 行政區:清水區
  • 作品名稱:聆聽海風的聲音
  • 作者:蕭凱尹
  • 年代:2014
  • 類型:立體雕塑,立體傢俱設施,立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)
  • 材質:GRC、陶瓷馬賽克
  • 尺寸:(長) 400 cm X(寬) 70 cm X(高) 140 cm
  • 地點:臺中市清水區護岸路37號(臺中市清水區高美國民小學)
  • 經費:380,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市清水區高美國民小學
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:黃財源、黃嘉勝、侯錦雄、林文海、洪裕強
高美國小位處於高美溼地附近,有著絕佳的機會能夠親近大自然,學校在教育上也著重在海洋生態教育,師生們與自然生態一同學習成長,高美濕地成為孩子們的遊樂園與寶藏,讓我們一起聆聽來自海風的聲音,喜悅地迎接自然的感動與生命力。 濕地對於環境而言有著相當重要的功能,特別是在生態、防洪及淨水,它同時是世界上生產力最豐富的生態系之一,有相當多的野生動植物棲息於此。高美濕地為台灣著名濕地,並孕育了豐富的濕地生態,《聆聽海風的聲音》就是以這樣的一種海洋與濕地意象作為主軸,配合了彈塗魚、螃蟹轉化成為圓潤逗趣的造形意象,設置在學生活動中心前的榕樹與草皮之上,期望藉由活潑生動的造型意象豐富了校園中的視覺景觀,柔化在校園與社區的邊界,藉由豐富色彩與親和力的造型意象,形塑可供大家想像、聆聽與休憩的空間氛圍。 《聆聽海風的聲音》以海洋意象作為整體色彩配置,陶瓷馬賽克展現出亮麗活潑的色彩,象徵了喜悅與希望,希望讓繽紛色彩的公共藝術,活化了校園與社區的空間氛圍,形成喜悅的藝術空間,讓孩子們遊戲於大樹之下,陪伴他們快樂的學習與茁壯。
Located in the neighborhood of the Kao Mei Wetlands, Kao Mei Elementary School offers its students a fantastic opportunity to embrace nature. The school pays great attention to marine ecology education and both teachers and students learn and grow together while observing ecological changes. Kao Mei Wetlands is a wonderful hidden treasure for children where they can listen to the sea wind or experience first hand the inspiration and vitality of Mother Earth. Wetlands play an important role in environmental conservation, particularly in terms of ecological protection, flood prevention and water purification. They are also some of the most productive ecosystems in the world, inhabited by numerous wild animals and plants. Kao Mei Wetlands is also rich in ecological resources. “Listening to the Whispers of the Sea Wind” is designed around the motif of ocean and wetlands. Displayed on the meadows and banyan trees in front of the Student Activity Center are the rotund and amusing figures of mudskippers and crabs. These vivid forms not only enhance the visual appeal of the campus, but also blur the boundaries between it and the local community. With these colorful and friendly images, the school has created a public space where visitors can let their imagination run free as they listen to the sounds of nature and relax. In terms of color design, “Listening to the Whispers of the Sea Wind” was created to showcase ocean images. Bright and cheery, the mosaics are symbols of happiness and hope. These colorful public art works are intended to infuse the school and community with renewed vitality and create an art corner in the campus; while the children play around the old trees, growing and maturing in a happy natural environment.
最後異動時間:2021-02-03 09:11:00
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