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  • 行政區:西屯區
  • 作品名稱:共生共榮─林中鹿
  • 作者:陳明輝、劉素幸
  • 年代:2018
  • 類型:平面壁畫,立體雕塑,組合形式
  • 地點:臺中市西屯區市政北一路56號(臺中市議會)
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市議會
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:顏煥義、陳永欣、康正義、林平、黃文彬、黃位政、黃映蒲
公共藝術﹝共生共榮─林中鹿﹞源自海德格哲思【林中路】:「林中多歧路,而殊途同歸。唯有探索過的路途上,還有風景大有可觀」,隱喻市議會與市民間對話的重要性。創作意念延伸一千多年前番仔園文化的自然生態場域。 一棵棵龍眼樹(惠來舊石器時代建物柱子材料)羅列於市議會廣場,形成根深葉茂綠林,樹上轉動的機械裝置,猶如風動氣流讓作品展現流動之韻律感,而林中的鹿群則再現歷史環境遺跡,共同表現出森林間共存共榮的景致,森林與生物間思想情感的交流,展現溝通的重要性,更象徵市議會與市民間的互為依存的關係。
The public art "Forest of Coexistence" is inspired by Heidegger's philosophy from Holzwege: "The vast diverging paths in a forest all lead to the same destination; it's the exploration along the way that makes the journey." It is a metaphor for the importance of the city council to the citizens. This creative concept expands upon the natural ecological fields of the Fan-Tzu-Yuan Culture from a millennium ago. A lush forest of longan trees (previously used as building columns by the Huilai prehistoric culture) is grown along the City Council Plaza. Rotating mechanical devices reflect the gentle breeze, lending a rhythmic flow to the artwork. The herd of deer in the forest recreates the historic environment, exhibiting a scene of flourishing life coexisting with the forest. The emotional exchanges between the forest and the creatures demonstrate the importance of communication, as well as symbolizing the interdependent relationship of the city and the citizens.
最後異動時間:2021-02-03 14:05:00
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