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  • 行政區:北區
  • 作品名稱:
  • 作者:王懷亮
  • 年代:2015
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:鋼板
  • 尺寸:長 4754 cm、寬 277 cm、厚 0.2 cm
  • 地點:臺中市北區三民路3段129號(第二綜合教學大樓新建工程入口廣場)
  • 經費:4,560,000
  • 管理維護單位:國立臺中科技大學
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:沈芷蓀、侯錦雄、林文海、簡源忠、王鍊登、游金隆、黃振東、蕭家孟、藍儒鴻
中技大樓北側綠地(五權路500巷5弄),是一條容易被人遺忘的帶狀空間。新建中的中技大樓隔開了錦平街的人車喧鬧,反而使得這條巷弄格外靜謐。 想像中技大樓是一棟透明的屋子,錦平街上的各式人影穿透中技大樓而「投影」在北側平直無趣的深色牆面上,預告500巷5弄未來也會一樣熱鬧,但此種熱鬧又藉由悠閒造型而重新定調,讓通過的行人可與「剪影」合照,達到「合影」的趣味。
A green belt lies north of the Science and Technology Building (Alley 5, Lane 500, Wuquan Road). This spot is easily overlooked. The newly constructed Science and Technology Building forms a partition separating this alley from the bustle of Jinping Street, thereby making it exceptionally peaceful and quiet. The Science and Technology Building was conceived as a transparent building, where diverse shadows from Jinping Street will traverse the building to be “projected” on the straight and featureless dark north side walls. It is estimated that in the future this alley will be just as bustling as Jinping Street, but will then be dictated by an atmosphere of leisure created by art. Pedestrians will be able to photograph themselves with the “silhouettes” and generate a delightful sense of “unity”.
最後異動時間:2024-09-26 09:24:00
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