  • 友善列印
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  • 行政區:大雅區
  • 作品名稱:我思故我在
  • 作者:郭國相
  • 年代:2017
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:不鏽鋼
  • 尺寸:(寬)690cm×(高)1850 cm×(深)55 cm
  • 地點:臺中市大雅區平和227號(國立中科實驗高級中學)
  • 經費:1,600,000
  • 管理維護單位:國立中科實驗高級中學
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:陳國祥、林梅綉、余曉嵐、張惠蘭、黃映蒲、林文海、李思賢、魏炎順、黃文彬
Using circuit boards as its imagery and echoing a vision of advanced capabilities, vitality and internationalization, “I think, therefore I am” is interpreted as fast and continuously growing colorful vines, symbolizing the embracing of dynamic and innovative challenges through the sustenance of nature and nurture, aspirations arising from the infinite power of mind, and a resolution to actively and freely explore the world. The growth of technological vines also represents the maturing of a student’s wisdom and outlook. The stainless steel fruit mirror the change of seasons as well as students’ adaptive and free research in a multitude of disciplines. They continuously accumulate soft power, demonstrate vigor, develop their potential, and harbor hopes, progressively striding toward a higher and broader future. Students who revel in the fruit of their efforts are displaying their dynamic vitality, and embracing and enjoying the happiness of learning and growing up. It is our desire to create a reservoir of knowledge where young people can immerse themselves, construct a positive, active and delightful environment, and offer the sincerest applause and encouragement to diligent, energetic teachers and students. “I think, therefore I am” represents NEHS as a one big family, sowing the seeds of a productive academic life together and painting it with all the colors of life.
最後異動時間:2021-07-15 11:35:00
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