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  • 行政區:北屯區
  • 作品名稱:三分球
  • 作者:鄭聰文
  • 年代:2010
  • 類型:立體浮雕
  • 材質:碳鋼
  • 尺寸:籃框:311 × 222 × 0.2cm球體:323 × 323 × 0.2cm、170 × 170 × 0.2cm、116 × 116 × 0.2cm、84 × 84 × 0.2cm、51 × 51 × 0.2cm、32 × 32 × 0.2cm、20 × 20 × 0.2cm人像:25 × 97 × 0.2cm
  • 地點:臺中市北屯區景賢六路201號
  • 經費:390,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市立東山高級中學
  • 取得方式:邀請比件
  • 執行小組:陳宗鎮、簡源忠、陳姿文、魏炎順、劉蕙華、廖瑛娜
在球場上,精力充沛的年輕學子盡情地奔跑、運球、傳球、防守、投籃毫不退讓,當球傳到手上時更是把握機會奮力演出。當球投向遠方,一抹彩虹映在籃框,正象徵年輕人懷抱夢想勇於挑戰的信念! 作品「三分球」展現球員奮力一擲的剎那,籃球在空中宛如靜止的分格畫面,利用紙雕的手法和多點透視的原理在牆上創造了虛擬的三度空間。
On the basketball court, young men, brimful of energy, run full tilt, dribbling, passing, defending, and are not in the least hesitant about attempting a shot. When they get their hands on the ball they strive mightily to show their skills. When a long shot is attempted, the rainbow printed on the basket rim symbolizes the confidence of a young man taking on a challenge to realize his dream. This work, The Three-point Shot, demonstrates that instant when the player summons his strength to launch the ball towards the basket. The various-sized balls in the air symbolize each of the still frames of a ball in motion. The technique of paper carving and the principle of cavalier perspective were employed, creating a 3-dementional virtual world on the wall.
最後異動時間:2024-09-26 09:24:00
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