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  • 行政區:潭子區
  • 作品名稱:
  • 作者:簡明輝
  • 年代:2018
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:大理石、不鏽鋼
  • 尺寸:(長)750cm×(寬)580 cm×(高)515 cm
  • 地點:臺中潭子車站廣場(臺中市潭子區中山路二段352-1號)
  • 經費:5,000,000
  • 管理維護單位:交通部臺灣鐵路管理局
  • 取得方式:本市送中央審議之作品
  • 執行小組:謝立德、李奕、熊鵬翥、郭瑞坤、謝棟樑、吳振岳、康錦樹、陳松、林正儀
本作品「迴」企圖以藝術作品中的鐘擺與時鐘展現虛幻時間的具體樣貌。身為南來北往、旅人返回/離去的車站, 作品「迴」更同時具有旋轉、返回、運轉、環繞等意涵。車站的運轉、流暢正是作品「迴」的抽象精神。鐵道列車在鐵軌上日夜穿梭不已,在空間上亦可視為離開/歸返, 一圈圈的迴路看似在同一處,卻因時間痕跡的刻畫而有所不同。如同潭子車站永遠敞開大門迎接來往的旅客,一進一出、一來一往,像是時鐘上無間歇擺動的鐘垂。無論潭子地區未來有什麼變化, 作品「迴」如是永恆循環的象徵,佇立於此。作品「迴」是藝術家對於潭子車站的獻禮,不僅是一件「鐵道美術館」具體呈現的藝術作品,更將潭子車站的獨特性及時代感深刻地烙印在潭子人心中。
The work “Return” ( 迴 ) presents a concrete representation of unreal time through the application of a pendulum and a clock. Located in a train station frequented by people traveling north and south, leaving and coming home, the work takes on a multiplicity of meanings. The operation and flow of the train station represents the abstract spirit of “Return.” In spatial terms, the way in which trains travel up and down the railway tracks, night and day, can also be viewed as one type of leaving and returning. This is a series of circuits wherein one always appears to be in the same place, but which differ depending on time. The main door to Tanzi Station is always open to travelers coming and going about their business, like the perpetual motion of the pendulum weight of a clock . Irrespective of how Tanzi might change, the work “Return” will always stand here, a testament to an eternal cycle. The work “Return” is a gift from the artist to the station. As a work of art it is a concrete representation of the concept of a “railway museum,” but more importantly one that ensures the uniqueness and sense of the time unique to Tanzi train station are imprinted on the hearts and minds of those who live there.
最後異動時間:2024-10-24 13:45:00
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