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  • 行政區:北屯區
  • 作品名稱:光耀松竹
  • 作者:陳明輝
  • 年代:2018
  • 類型:立體雕塑,立體傢俱設施,立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)
  • 材質:大理石、 不鏽鋼板 LED 、烤漆
  • 尺寸:主體(長)210cm×(寬)210 cm×(高)420cm 座椅(1) (長)150 cm×(寬)50 cm×(高)75cm 座椅(2) (長)150 cm×(寬)159 cm×(高)45cm 座椅(3) 150 cm×(寬)97 cm×(高)45cm
  • 地點:臺中松竹車站入口前方廣場(臺中市北屯區松竹路一段1473巷100號)
  • 經費:2,500,000(共3組件)
  • 管理維護單位:交通部臺灣鐵路管理局
  • 取得方式:本市送中央審議之作品
  • 執行小組:謝立德、李奕、熊鵬翥、郭瑞坤、謝棟樑、吳振岳、康錦樹、陳松、林正儀
作品運用綠色自然精神,配合車站流體設計和當地聞名遐邇的竹筍為主要意象,創造具當代風格和在地特色新地標,讓附近居民、旅客都能感受到生活空間的藝術化。 錐狀主體由外圍「竹林」與「樹林」及「躍動人群」層疊環構而成,最後於上方透出代表璀璨未來的金色光筍,配合內部燈光照明與四周竹葉意象街道家具,共同營造凝聚能量的場所空間,展現松竹車站的活力、生命與希望。 作品因應未來高架下方綠帶植栽與自行車道規劃,提供民眾一處平日下班、課後或假日休閒、休憩的優質場所,讓民眾在此群聚、交流、遇見中台灣。
This work has incorporated the spirit of environmentalism, streamlined station design, and the region’s famous bamboo shoots, creating a new landmark that includes both modern design elements and local features, allowing local residents and travelers to experience the essence of public art. The conical body is comprised of interlocking layers of bamboo thickets and forests, as well as the moving crowd. The top of the work is crowned by bright, golden bamboo that symbolizes future brilliance. Internal illumination and the surrounding bamboo leaves come together to compose an art piece that is complemented by bamboo-shaped public furniture. These serve as a convergence point for positive energy in the public plaza and as a symbol of vitality, life, and hope within Songzhu Station.This work is designed in accordance with the green belts and vegetation that have been to be placed below the elevated track along with bicycle lanes. The art piece provides workers and students with a place to rest and have fun after work, school, or during holidays. It could also serve as a public landmark for gatherings and exchanges, and is a place in which one can meet face-to-face with central Taiwan.
最後異動時間:2024-10-24 13:25:00
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