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  • 行政區:豐原區
  • 作品名稱:豐圓祭-小米愛大米
  • 作者:余燈銓
  • 年代:2017
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:青銅、影像膠合玻璃、不鏽鋼 、腰果漆、生漆
  • 尺寸:主體雕塑(長)330cm×(寬)300 cm×(高)290cm 大米造型椅(長)150cm×(寬)75 cm×(高)38cm X3座 小米造型椅(長)120cm×(寬)60 cm×(高)35cm X3座
  • 地點:臺中豐原車站大廳(臺中市豐原區中正路1-1號)
  • 經費:4,000,000
  • 管理維護單位:交通部臺灣鐵路管理局
  • 取得方式:本市送中央審議之作品
  • 執行小組:豐原古地名為葫蘆墩,盛產稻米為台灣第一米倉名聞遐邇。 本公共藝術結合在地的文史與環境特色,我們遵循古人秋收冬藏、敬天愛地的精神,以米為主題象徵著豐收圓滿,並藉著重要的鐵路建設由來往的人們把此愉悅的心情,及優美豐富的文化產業繼續分享出去。 小米愛大米-以放大的蓬萊米為地標,站立兩個小孩迎接著秋收在原野喜悅地奔跑。結合在地上的12生肖圖及12個月的豐圓歲時歌傳遞節日與作物豐收訊息,在大米旁圍繞6個小米,猶如迎接豐富圓滿的祭典,豐滿繽紛線條流暢的現代造型小米也是可移動的戶外傢俱。
Ancient Fengyuan was called Huludun, and was well-known as being the top granary in Taiwan for rice production. By integrating local culture, history, and geographical characteristics, this public art piece uses rice as a symbol of harvest and fulfillment according to the spirit of our ancestors, who followed the seasonal cycles and respected nature. The joys of this area, along with the fruits of our cultural industry, will continually be shared and spread by the people who rely on the rail infrastructure for travel. The enlarged Penglai Rice is a landmark where two kids are running happily around in the fields in celebration of the harvest. The image conveys the messages of season’s greetings and the harvest, together with the Chinese zodiac chart of 12 animals and the folk song of the 12 solar terms displayed on the ground. The large rice grain is surrounded by six smaller ones to suggest a perfect festival. The colorful and streamlined small grains have a modern style and also function as pieces of mobile outdoor furniture.
最後異動時間:2024-10-24 13:46:00
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