「杏林蹊徑」自「醫療能量」層面擷取「杏林春暖」讚語,由「蹊徑自成」體現「醫病關係」的良好互動,兩相加成為設置總主題「杏林蹊徑」。此外,輔設蝶群環繞,象徵「春舞翩翩」,以及「How do you do?!」(好兔優兔)迎賓兔群,營造愛麗絲夢遊仙境中入口樹洞的超現實氛圍。
1. 承載醫病雙方對於抗疾復康的同心嚮望,因此果實部份以不同層次的綠彩穿插鮮黃,寄寓和平安穩的祝願祈福。
2. 根部塑型使用凹凸線條擬態,象徵在對抗病魔時,醫病雙方都在面臨挑戰,可能是治療過程的不適感,可能是等待療效的煎熬感,一切種種皆有曲折難言處,但只有不屈不撓堅韌以對,方能盼得春榮再生之契機。"
Public art theme: “Compassionate Medical Treatment” This work extrapolates from the Chinese language expression “in praise of high medical skill” (Xing Lin Chun Nuan ). It also showcases the selfless spirit of medical care and how the development of a good relationship between medical professionals and patients represents “compassionate medical treatment.” The incorporation of butterflies as part of the work symbolizes the vitality of spring and the rabbits represent a play on words
warmly greeting visitors, while creating a surrealist atmosphere reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland. “Seeking Full Recovery”: This highlights the mutual trust between doctors and patients that is essential for treatment and recovery.
1. This alludes to the shared desire of doctors and patients for a full recovery. Some of the fruit is colored in different shades of green with intermittent dashes of bright yellow, implying best wishes for calmness and stability.
2. The undulating roots of the trees represent the challenge faced by doctors and patients in the face of illness. Whether it is adapting to a course of treatment or dealing with the pain of healing, setbacks and difficulties are often part of the process, but as long as one remains indomitable in spirit full recovery awaits."