尺寸:正面雨遮(高)85 cm×(寬)775cm
側牆面 左(高)1680 cm×(寬)104 cm 右(寬)1680 cm×(寬)118 cm
延續郵局「傳遞心意」的功能,建物正面以中華郵政 logo 為主軸,兩旁延伸出各式鳥類,作為郵差先生的象徵,他們或站或飛,各自叼著信件、帶著郵包,等待執行傳遞的任務。畫面中的鳥類,有棕沙燕、夜鷺、綠繡眼、鴿子、小白鷺,都是大里溪生態常見的鳥類,是在地的最佳代表。
When the wind blows, the dandelions on the grass fly in the wind. The boy and the girl lean against the post box, sending each other a letter filled with their longing for each other. Transforming into pigeons, the letters travel in the wind, eventually arriving in the hands of each other. The dandelions are akin to small parachutes. The wind car-ries their seeds to new locations where they can begin life and become flowers. Like post offices, they spread blessings and deliver feelings.
To reflect the ‘delivery of feelings’ function of post offices, the front of the building centers around Chunghwa Post’s logo, with various types of birds being placed on the two sides. To symbolize postmen, the birds are either standing or flying, carrying either a letter in its beak or a messenger bag on its shoulder, waiting to execute their delivery mission. The birds in the picture, namely plain martins, a black-crowned night heron, warbling white-eyes, a pigeon and a little egret, are all birds commonly seen in DaLi River’s bird ecology. They are the best local representation.