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  • 行政區:豐原區
  • 作品名稱:幸福方程式
  • 作者:楊尊智
  • 年代:2017
  • 類型:立體浮雕,立體雕塑,立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)
  • 材質:不鏽鋼、LED、玻璃纖維
  • 尺寸:(長) 700 cmx (寬) 95 cmx (高) 460 cm
  • 地點:臺中市豐原區中正路599號(台電臺中區營業處豐原分處 )
  • 經費:2,550,000
  • 管理維護單位:台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處
  • 取得方式:公開徵選
  • 執行小組:蘇瑤華、黃嘉勝、賴小秋、李思賢、林平、陳啟仲、蔡慶樑
公共藝術作品「幸福方程式」選擇設置於台電豐原分處入口大門,於門柱上包覆著新的金屬板,以金屬質感強化現代科技語彙,柱子上方為一機械手,手上拿著一個綠色插頭,形式猶如使用電源時插上或拔下插頭的瞬間。以此為本處入口意象,呼應本案策展理念:「能源 。在加與減之間」,述說「用電的選擇」在加與減之間如何影響我們的未來生活。在夜間,鐵門關上,本處所正當歇息時刻,門上的傳輸符號,對應著柱上如電池充電的流動色彩狀態,趣味的樣貌發生於工作人員下班後場所的空靜中,它一如彩虹般,提醒著電力供輸讓我們享有無處不在的幸福。
The Formula of Happiness is installed at the entrance gate of Fengyuan Office, Taiwan Power Company. The door column is covered by new metal boards, which the metallic texture further addresses a sense of modern technology vocabulary. There is a machinery hand on top of the column. In this machinery hand, it holds a green plug, just in a gesture to plug-in or to unplug upon accessing to electricity. It thus responses to the curatorial concept of this public art project: “Energy, between plus and minus,” in which tells the fact that “power utilization” in between adding more and using less affects our life in the future. At night, when this office is at off hours and the iron door is closed, the transmission codes on the door seemingly has a conversation with the flowing color bar indicating the charging status of battery in the column. Such interesting look can only happen during the quiet off-hours. It is like a rainbow and reminds us that the power transmission provides us great happiness everywhere.
最後異動時間:2021-07-15 11:08:00
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