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  • 行政區:豐原區
  • 作品名稱:豐雲之端
  • 作者:胡俊榮、劉凱群、洪翠鎂
  • 年代:2015
  • 類型:立體雕塑
  • 材質:鍍鋅鋼板氟碳烤漆、水泥、抿石子
  • 尺寸:(長)400cm×(寬)367 cm×(高)480 cm
  • 地點:臺中市豐原區豐南街151號(12m 計畫道路出入口)
  • 經費:800,000
  • 管理維護單位:臺中市立豐南國民中學
  • 取得方式:邀請比件
  • 執行小組:林伯儀、簡源忠、歐陽奇、王懷亮、洪裕強
豐南走出去,世界走進來”為理念,創造國際化與教育之意向,並呼應校園正門的希望之樹。設計表現手法以下列三點為原則: 水平面:希望之樹的世界觀下,找出台灣與世界的地理方向位置關係性,藉由點與線的連結,發展面架構。 垂直面:樹木之構造可分為樹根,樹幹及樹冠,其分別有不同之功用,依其特性,賦予其個體意義,搭配水平面的操作,將個體組合產生立體化。 水平面+垂直面:學生在世界觀的環境學習為基石,透過學校的三環教育:智慧,活力,品味;數位化資訊與媒體,環境與教 育的灌溉,歷經三年的學習,小樹茁壯成大樹,成長紛飛至世界各地。“豐南”正是風起雲湧之端點,即為:豐雲之端。
Feng Nan Junior High School: our portal to the world, where we work together, and grow together to create an international learning environment, reflecting the natural beauty and strength of this: our Living Tree of Hope. The following three principles have inspired and guided the creation of this artwork: 1. The Horizontal Plane: A line drawn from one point to another. We are that point, and we must draw ourselves a line to connect with the rest of the world. It is that first line that will be our foundation. The rich soil from which all life springs. 2. The Vertical Plane: A second line, born out of the first. This represents our upward growth, when the tree begins to take shape.Its limbs reach higher and its roots grow deeper, just as we must always aspire to be the best we can be, while cultivating a strongfoundation. 3. A Three Dimensional Environment: Out of the first two dimensions, a third unfolds, animated by our wisdom, understanding and vitality. What began as a single point reaching out to another, is now acomplex living network, growing, changing and adapting. We are this network. We are the trunk and the roots and the limbs of this tree. And these years spent at Feng Nan Junior High School will give us the strength, wisdom and global vision to expand our learning into all aspects of modern life.
最後異動時間:2024-09-26 09:24:00
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