{ "GenericData":{ "Dataset":{ "ROW":[ { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "風的花‧花的風", "creator": "藤江和子", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區 惠來路二段101號( 臺中國家歌劇院六樓空中花園)", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市政府文化局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "聆‧聽", "creator": "林舜龍", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區 惠來路二段101號(夏綠地公園綠地)", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市政府文化局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "翩翩", "creator": "蘇孟鴻", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區惠來路二段101號(臺中國家歌劇院)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市政府文化局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "悠遊", "creator": "黃耿茂/景茂藝術有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道4段5巷55 號", "type": "平面壁畫、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "交通部臺灣區國道高速公路局中區工程處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "色彩人生", "creator": "王龍德", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市南屯區培德路9號", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "法務部矯正署臺中監獄", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code 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"creator": "松本薰", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市中區自由路二段86號(台電臺中區營業處)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "400", "title": "創造:為了未來重新融合", "creator": "岩本八千代/渡部克己 (多田美波研究所)", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市中區自由路二段86號(台電臺中區營業處)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "400", "title": "無限", "creator": "黎志文", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市中區自由路二段86號(台電臺中區營業處)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "400", "title": "內心的力量", "creator": "侯玉書", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市中區自由路二段86號(台電臺中區營業處)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "幸福方程式", "creator": "楊尊智", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市豐原區中正路599號(台電臺中區營業處豐原分處 )", "type": "立體浮雕、立體雕塑、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "鑽石般的光‧閃亮了我", "creator": "莊普", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市豐原區中正路599號( 台電臺中區營業處豐原分處)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "423", "title": "輕快的傾瀉流動", "creator": "許唐瑋", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市東勢區中新街西新巷88-1號(台電臺中區營業處東勢服務所 )", "type": "平面繪畫、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "423", "title": "觸碰‧連結", "creator": "陳姿文", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市東勢區中新街西新巷88-1號(台電臺中區營業處東勢服務所 )", "type": "平面數位影像、立體垂吊及壁掛造形、組合形式", "manager": "台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "423", "title": "鄉語吾愛.耀明日", "creator": "鞏文宜、李昀珊", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市東勢區中新街西新巷88-1號(台電臺中區營業處東勢服務所 )", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "台灣電力股份有限公司臺中區營業處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "「集市‧映漾」 作品一", "creator": "簡明輝、張戴欽", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市東區建成路500號(建國市場)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市政府經濟發展局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "「集市‧映漾」 作品二", "creator": "簡明輝、張戴欽", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市東區建成路500號(建國市場)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市政府經濟發展局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "「集市‧映漾」 作品三", "creator": "簡明輝、張戴欽", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市東區建成路500號(建國市場)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市政府經濟發展局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "童心‧同心", "creator": "杜俊賢", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市豐原區南陽路440號(臺中市豐原區南陽國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市豐原區南陽國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "432", "title": "萬象大肚", "creator": "李昀珊", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市大肚區自治路81號", "type": "平面繪畫、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市停車管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "美麗的蟹逅", "creator": "林昭慶/古采藝創環境有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市清水區高南里美堤街8號(高美濕地遊客服務中心)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "螺的呼喚", "creator": "林昭慶/古采藝創環境有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市清水區高南里美堤街8號(高美濕地遊客服務中心)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "天時", "creator": "羅傑藝術文化有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市潭子區仁愛路一段1號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "豐原聯保廠", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "地利", "creator": "羅傑藝術文化有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市潭子區仁愛路一段1號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "豐原聯保廠", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "人和", "creator": "羅傑藝術文化有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市潭子區仁愛路一段1號", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "豐原聯保廠", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "一起守護大地", "creator": "呂沐芢、焦聖偉", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市太平區新興路200號(臺中市太平區新光國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市太平區新光國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "心田", "creator": "陳彥伯/砳趣藝術有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市大里區向上街51號(臺中市希望家園)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府社會局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "心的探索", "creator": "陳彥伯/砳趣藝術有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市大里區向上街51號(臺中市希望家園)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市政府社會局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "小小世界", "creator": "許唐瑋", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市梧棲區文化路一段6號(臺中市梧棲區梧南國民小學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市梧棲區梧南國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "光之翼", "creator": "賴亭玟、馬君輔", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市大雅區中清路5段2號(空軍第一後勤指揮部清泉崗營區大門左側草地)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "轉骨計畫(轉轉)", "creator": "吳孟璋", "Year": "2017", "location": "大肚山水源區與農村生活區間中界狹長公園步道入口處", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "我思故我在", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市大雅區平和227號(國立中科實驗高級中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中科實驗高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "織錦花森林", "creator": "林龍杰、陳芍伊", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市大甲區育德路233號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大甲區大甲國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "快樂飛翔", "creator": "鐘俊雄", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市東區仁和路330號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立東峰國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "人文種子-心之森", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市南區興大路145號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "蘊", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市南區興大路145號", "type": "立體浮雕、立體垂吊及壁掛造形、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "同心學立 翻轉世界", "creator": "杜俊賢", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市南區復興路二段152號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立四育國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "彩筆生花", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西區自由路一段138號", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市大同國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "豐華迎曦", "creator": "胡棟民", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西區民生路227號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺中教育大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "展翅高飛", "creator": "陳松", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市北區英士路76號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立臺中第二高級中等學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "轉動夢想的旅程", "creator": "鄭元東", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市北屯區昌平路二段12號", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市北屯區松竹國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "春曉", "creator": "艾德‧卡本特 (Ed Carpenter)", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區市政北三路與市政北五路之間(臺中市政公園)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "草地上的嬉遊—親情", "creator": "黃沛瀅", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區 市政北三路與市政北五路之間", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "草地上的嬉遊-友情", "creator": "黃沛瀅", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區 市政北三路與市政北五路之間", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "用餘光目擊一切", "creator": "崔廣宇", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區 市政北三路與市政北五路之間", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "臺中風物志-自然家園", "creator": "川貝母", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區 市政北三路與市政北五路之間", "type": "平面數位影像", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "臺中風物志-閱讀城市", "creator": "川貝母", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區 市政北三路與市政北五路之間", "type": "平面數位影像", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "臺中風物志-櫻花", "creator": "川貝母", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區 市政北三路與市政北五路之間", "type": "平面數位影像", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "臺中風物志-鳥", "creator": "川貝母", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區 市政北三路與市政北五路之間", "type": "平面數位影像", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "臺中風物志-移動山脈", "creator": "川貝母", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區 市政北三路與市政北五路之間", "type": "平面數位影像", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall 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"387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "凱旋", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市新社區興社街二段32-5號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "陸軍航空第602旅", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "花現幸福", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市新社區復盛里興社街二段28之1號", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "陸軍航空第602旅", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and 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"臺中市大雅區中清路五段2號(中山堂前方草地)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "空軍第三戰術戰鬥機聯隊", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "清泉破曉 巡弋九霄─勝利翱翔", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市大雅區中清路五段2號(慈恩14村外牆)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "空軍第三戰術戰鬥機聯隊", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "清泉破曉 巡弋九霄─精勤守護", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市大雅區中清路五段2號(神岡門右側門)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "空軍第三戰術戰鬥機聯隊", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "清泉破曉 巡弋九霄─翱翔九霄", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市大雅區中清路五段2號(聯隊部內牆)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "空軍第三戰術戰鬥機聯隊", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "清泉破曉 巡弋九霄─騰雲直上", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市大雅區中清路五段2號(聯隊部大門內雙柱)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "空軍第三戰術戰鬥機聯隊", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "434", "title": "活力漾", "creator": "謝明憲", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市龍井區竹坑里觀光路9號(校舍中庭)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立龍井國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "交織的洋流", "creator": "梁舜斌", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市梧棲區八德東路(臺中市梧棲區頂魚寮公園四維路入口廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府原住民族事務委員會", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "濕地印象", "creator": "黃清輝", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市清水區中山路90號(國立清水高級中學樂學樓中庭)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立清水高級中等學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "冊頁悅讀", "creator": "皮淮音", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市大甲區經國路168號(司令台後方草地上)", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市大甲區順天國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "花園中的音樂木馬", "creator": "陶亞倫", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "餐桌下的秘密基地", "creator": "陶亞倫", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "幻炫木馬", "creator": "黃浩德、吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "酷閃重機", "creator": "黃浩德、吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "蔓葉蹺蹺板", "creator": "黃浩德、吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "幸福轉轉輪", "creator": "黃浩德、吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "酷樂搖搖船", "creator": "黃浩德、吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "飄飄觔斗雲", "creator": "黃浩德、吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "電光樹精靈", "creator": "黃浩德、吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "飛天咘咘車", "creator": "黃浩德、吳建福", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市后里區月眉里安眉路113號(國道 1 號泰安服務區)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "交通部高速公路局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "艦構Matrix", "creator": "賴亭玟、馬君輔", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市南區忠明南路653號(格致樓西向前方親水舞臺的池中)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立崇倫國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "無限大~愛", "creator": "許振隆", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市南區高工路191號(誠樸樓後方綠地)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺中高級工業學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "樂動青春", "creator": "皮淮音", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市西區朝陽街2 號(綠苑綜合生活館入口門廳) ", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市立臺中女子高級中等學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "百花齊放", "creator": "駱信昌", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市西區向上路1段6號(國際學術交流中心向上樓二樓走廊牆面) ", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "國立臺中教育大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "心心相惜", "creator": "廖乾杉", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市西區博館路166號(健行路與博館路街角綠地)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立忠明高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "舞夢", "creator": "謝明憲", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北區篤行路321號(篤行國小英才路門左、右兩側)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市北區篤行國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "樹", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北區三民路3段129號(第二綜合教學大樓新建工程入口廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺中科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "影", "creator": "王懷亮", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北區三民路3段129號(第二綜合教學大樓新建工程入口廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺中科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "婆娑", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北區三民路3段129號(錦平街與本校區女生宿舍之校區範圍)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺中科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "花引蝶", "creator": "黃璟翔", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北區三民路3段129號(女生宿舍北側外觀立面面向)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺中科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "四季平安", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北屯區旅順路二段73號(半圓形廣場左側草皮處)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市停車管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "那一年我們一起玩的─七巧板", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北屯區旅順路二段73號(戶外廣場前草皮處) ", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市停車管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "那一年我們一起玩的─陀螺街道家具", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北屯區旅順路二段73號(民藝街館舍南側草皮處)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市停車管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "蝶韻漫舞", "creator": "吳水沂", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北屯區北屯路435號(南棟校舍大樓北面牆面)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市北屯區僑孝國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "從過去到未來之間", "creator": "艾瑞爾‧穆索維奇(Ariel Moscovici)", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓府前廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "塔之語", "creator": "艾瑞爾‧穆索維奇(Ariel Moscovici)", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓文心樓及惠中樓廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "城市之光", "creator": "吳榮梅", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段501號(秋紅谷景觀生態公園入口處)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "大鵬展翅‧翱翔雲端", "creator": "陳翰平", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市西屯區 中平路268號(展翔樓西側壁面)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 大鵬國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "做中學˙學中坐", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市南屯區公益路二段298號(校區中央廊道) ", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市立惠文高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code 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"location": "臺中市豐原區豐南街151號(12m 計畫道路出入口)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立豐南國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "423", "title": "藝遊石城", "creator": "邱建銘", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市東勢區石城街182巷26號(新校舍電梯外牆)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市東勢區石城國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "創世紀─雲波蕩漾", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市大雅區平和路227號(國立中科實驗高級中學校門入口川堂右側壁牆)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "國立中科實驗高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "創世紀─智慧樹", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市大雅區平和路227號(國立中科實驗高級中學行政大樓與高中部教室間綠地)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中科實驗高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "創世紀─A+B=無限", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市大雅區平和路227號(國立中科實驗高級中學活動中心前綠地)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中科實驗高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "創世紀─連結與意象", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市大雅區平和路227號(國立中科實驗高級中學高中部教室之間綠地)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中科實驗高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "勝利在握", "creator": "吳水沂", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市神岡區豐洲路482號(活動中心大門左側草皮)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市神岡區豐洲國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "竹林的異想空間─傾斜的風", "creator": "陳冠君", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區臺灣大道7段821號(穿堂兩側牆面與樓梯1-2樓上段側邊牆面)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區竹林國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "竹林的異想空間─蛙!電腦!", "creator": "陳冠君", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區臺灣大道7段821號(穿堂兩側牆面與樓梯1-2樓上段側邊牆面)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區竹林國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "竹林的異想空間─音樂溜走", "creator": "陳冠君", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區臺灣大道7段821號(穿堂兩側牆面與樓梯1-2樓上段側邊牆面)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區竹林國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "竹林的異想空間─冰淇淋行星", "creator": "陳冠君", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區臺灣大道7段821號(穿堂兩側牆面與樓梯1-2樓上段側邊牆面)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區竹林國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "展翼翱翔‧旋播佳音", "creator": "大瑪爾藝術設計(陳宏誠、林育正、張戴欽)", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區中航路一段68號(入口正面圍牆)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "內政部空中勤務總隊", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "守護疆土‧旋起希望", "creator": "大瑪爾藝術設計(陳宏誠、林育正、張戴欽)", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區中航路一段68號(行政大樓一樓挑高大廳)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "內政部空中勤務總隊", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "歡樂文光‧飛飛飛", "creator": "李昀珊/昀珊國際創藝工作室", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區斗潭路文光巷12號(文曦樓北側矮牆)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區文光國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "領航‧展翅", "creator": "林幸長", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市梧棲區文昌路400號(臺中市立中港高級中學校門口)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立中港高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "大地秀麗", "creator": "陳松", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市清水區五權路336號(綜合體育館東側草皮) ", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市清水區大秀國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "夢想起飛", "creator": "李幸龍", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市清水區中社里鎮政路12 號(西側三樓外牆)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市清水幼兒園", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "信念", "creator": "季行藝術工作室", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市大甲區育英路186號(穿堂牆面)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市立大甲國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "臺灣手球原鄉", "creator": "季行藝術工作室", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市大甲區育英路186號(穿堂樓梯口前)", "type": "平面數位影像、平面壁畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市立大甲國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "律動十號", "creator": "佛洛里安‧克拉/禾磊藝術有限公司", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中航空站", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中航空站", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "速‧Speeding", "creator": "許宗傑/禾磊藝術有限公司", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中航空站", "type": "立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中航空站", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "古老的記憶─飛行的憧憬", "creator": "高田洋一/禾磊藝術有限公司", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中航空站", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中航空站", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "彩虹下的約定", "creator": "王國益", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西區英才路534號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府交通局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "飛揚‧向上‧心希望", "creator": "楊尊智", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西區美村路一段389號", "type": "立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市向上國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "綠色奇蹟-孕", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市國光路250號", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "綠色奇蹟-生機", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市國光路250號", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "綠色奇蹟-奇蹟", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市國光路250號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "綠色奇蹟-森活", "creator": "胡棟民", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市國光路250號", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "雲河戀", "creator": "陳麗杏", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓四季景觀公園)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "光臨.臺中", "creator": "林建榮", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓四季景觀公園)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "方圓之間", "creator": "鄧惠芬", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓四季景觀公園)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "詠四季", "creator": "鄧惠芬", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓四季景觀公園)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "城市解碼", "creator": "連紫伊", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓四季景觀公園)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "文化臺中.漆畫未來", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(文心樓及惠中樓室內中庭之燈桿)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "氣勢如虹", "creator": "鐘俊雄、廖迎晰", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(新市政中心市政府大樓四樓集會堂外廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "河域", "creator": "胡棟民", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 臺灣大道三段99號(臺灣大道市政大樓四季景觀公園)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府秘書處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "書.葉", "creator": "王菀玲", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 40760環中路二段368號(臺中市西屯區 泰安國民小學泰然樓南側複牆)", "type": "立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 泰安國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "城市漫遊", "creator": "陳姿文", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市南屯區惠中路三段98號(臺中市立大墩國民中學)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體垂吊及壁掛造形、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市政府交通局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "世界之光", "creator": "杜俊賢", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市南屯區三義里1鄰干城街88號(臺中市立黎明國民中學干城街側自然景觀池後方草地)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立黎明國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "特力獨行", "creator": "鄭聰文", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市南屯區公益路二段296號(國立臺中特殊教育學校職業教學大樓西面外牆)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "國立臺中特教育學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "鳳還巢", "creator": "林昭慶、簡源忠", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市太平區勤益里中山路二段57號(國立勤益科技大學)", "type": "立體浮雕、立體雕塑、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "國立勤益科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "迴響", "creator": "林昭慶、簡源忠", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市太平區勤益里中山路二段57號(國立勤益科技大學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "國立勤益科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "愛、希望、成就感", "creator": "邱連恭", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市太平區樹德九街139號(臺中市立新光國民中學活動中心空橋)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體傢俱設施、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市立新光國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "愛讀書的天使", "creator": "林美怡", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市大里區立新街338號(臺中市大里區立新國民小學校門入口右側花圃)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大里區立新國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "勤學-逆水行舟", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市大里區至善路157號(臺中市大里區成功國民中學弘道樓小司令台牆面)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市大里區成功國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "勤學-奪標", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市大里區至善路157號(臺中市大里區成功國民中學司令台草地旁)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大里區成功國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "光德之門", "creator": "綠點子創藝工作室", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市烏日區信義街99號(臺中市立光德國民中學大門入口廣場花臺)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立光德國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "稻田裡的演唱會", "creator": "鄭元東", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市豐原區西安街72號(臺中市豐原區瑞穗國民小學仁愛樓前)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市瑞穗國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "豐中奇緣", "creator": "莊世琦", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市豐原區三豐路467號(臺中市立豐原國民中學)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市立豐原國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "葫蘆豐華", "creator": "莊世琦", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市豐原區三豐路467號(臺中市立豐原國民中學)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市立豐原國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "成長無限", "creator": "莊世琦", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市豐原區三豐路467號(臺中市立豐原國民中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立豐原國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "舞動青春", "creator": "莊世琦", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市豐原區三豐路467號(臺中市立豐原國民中學)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市立豐原國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "躍", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市后里區三豐路三段968號( 臺中市立后綜高級中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立后綜高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "424", "title": "歡樂山城 歡樂無限", "creator": "林美怡", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市和平區平等村中興路三段環山三巷 35 號(臺中市和平區平等國小)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市和平區平等國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "一麥相承‧彩鳳飛翔", "creator": "蔡慶彰", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市大雅區雅環路一段二號(臺中市立大華國民中學建築物東向立面左側牆面)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市立大華國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "新鹿園、新樂園", "creator": "陳松", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區中正街3號(臺中市沙鹿區沙鹿國民小學西側花圃之空地)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區沙鹿國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "築夢飛翔", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區公明里忠貞路213號(臺中市沙鹿區公明國民小學行政大樓右側綠地、新建校舍外部 )", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區公明國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "樂彩˙孕育", "creator": "廖飛熊", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市立清水國民中學專科教學大樓南側牆面(臺中市清水區西社里鰲峰路250號)", "type": "平面繪畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市立清水國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "快樂狗", "creator": "黃柏仁", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市大甲區渭水路22之2號(臺中市立大甲聯合托兒所1樓中庭左側黃槐樹前方草皮處)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立大甲聯合托兒所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "聆聽海風的聲音", "creator": "蕭凱尹", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市清水區護岸路37號(臺中市清水區高美國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市清水區高美國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "展翅飛翔", "creator": "黃彥縉、黃敬永、吳進忠", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市南區高工路191號(體育館二樓外牆)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "國立臺中高級工業職業學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "快樂之歌", "creator": "黃彥縉、黃敬永、吳進忠", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市南區高工路191號(國立臺中高級工業職業學校行政大樓前水池)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺中高級工業職業學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "綠葉青春˙青青校園", "creator": "廖乾杉", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市東區臺中路283號(國立臺中高級農業職業學校校門口)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "國立臺中高級農業職業學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "悟之華", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市北區館前路一號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局景觀工程科", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "森活", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市北區館前路一號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局景觀工程科", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "傳說", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市北區館前路一號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局景觀工程科", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "綻放春天", "creator": "皮淮音", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市西區大明街27號", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "衛生福利部中區兒童之家", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "流動的身影", "creator": "余燈銓、王懷亮", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市北區雙十路一段16號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺灣體育運動大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "起舞的獎盃", "creator": "余燈銓、王懷亮", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市北區雙十路一段16號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺灣體育運動大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "堅持的榮耀", "creator": "余燈銓、王懷亮", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市北區雙十路一段16號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺灣體育運動大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "駕駛艙", "creator": "鄭聰文", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市北區崇德路一段107號(省三國民小學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市北區省三國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "想飛", "creator": "鄭聰文", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市北區崇德路一段107號(省三國民小學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市北區省三國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "夢想起飛", "creator": "胡榮俊", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市北屯區景賢六路200號(東山國民中學)", "type": "立體浮雕、立體雕塑、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市立東山高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "紋聲", "creator": "呂政道 ", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市北屯區東山路二段112號(大坑國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市北屯區大坑國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "尋找桃花源", "creator": "莊文毅", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市西屯區 文中路168號(惠來國民小學)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 惠來國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "無限∞學習", "creator": "洪翠娟、張意欣", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市西屯區 福林路333號(臺中市立福科國民中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立福科國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "犁頭采風", "creator": "謝棟樑 ", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市南屯區干城街150-156號(臺中市南屯區聯合辦公大樓)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市南屯區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and 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"manager": "法務部矯正署臺中女子監獄", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "轉.生", "creator": "簡明輝 /水岸藝術文化研發有限公司", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市南屯區培德路9-3號(臺中女子監獄)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "法務部矯正署臺中女子監獄", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "夢想學堂", "creator": "王慶民", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市豐原區西安街72號(臺中市豐原區瑞穗國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市豐原區瑞穗國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "音韻", "creator": "歐啦工作室", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市后里區甲后路110號(臺中市后里區后里國民小學)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、立體傢俱設施、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市后里區后里國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "423", "title": "HAKKA好學.好客", "creator": "黃瑞慶", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市東勢區東新里東環街123號(臺中市立東新國民中學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市立東新國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "生生不息", "creator": "蕭凱尹", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市新社區大南里興中街46號(行政院農業委員會種苗改良繁殖場)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "行政院農業委員會種苗改良繁殖場", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "訊息橋梁", "creator": "栗澄國際有限公司", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市新社區中興嶺100號(陸軍第十軍團指揮部)", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "陸軍第十軍團指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "無限脈動", "creator": "栗澄國際有限公司", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市新社區中興嶺100號(陸軍第十軍團指揮部)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "陸軍第十軍團指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile 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Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "乘書飛翔", "creator": "梁舜斌、張怡文", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市神岡區中山路627號(臺中市神岡國民中學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市立神岡國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "威震豐洲", "creator": "張也", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市神岡區豐洲路482號(臺中市豐洲國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市神岡區豐洲國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "那一年‧我們‧種的那棵樹", "creator": "林志銘", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市神岡區神圳路1號(臺中市神岡區神岡國民小學)", "type": "平面繪畫、立體垂吊及壁掛造形、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市神岡區神岡國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "跟著大魚悠游去", "creator": "王文德", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市神岡區神圳路1號(臺中市神岡區圳堵國民小學)", "type": "平面繪畫、立體垂吊及壁掛造形、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市神岡區圳堵國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "當我們同在一起", "creator": "王文德", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市神岡區三民路639號(臺中市神岡區圳堵國民小學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市神岡區圳堵國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "沙鹿之歌", "creator": "黃敬永", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區中正街1號(臺中市沙鹿國民中學)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市立沙鹿國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "紡沙之光", "creator": "丁水泉", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區竹林里中棲路303號(國立沙鹿高級工業職業學校)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立沙鹿高級工業職業學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "博浪揚風", "creator": "吳水沂", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市梧棲區中正里中興路219號(臺中市梧棲區游泳池)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市政府運動局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "樂聲相談", "creator": "王槐青", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市清水區鰲峰路250號(臺中市立清水國民中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立清水國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "青青校樹", "creator": "張家銘", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市大甲區經國路168號(臺中市大甲區順天國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大甲區順天國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile 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"location": "臺中市西屯區市政北二路386號(臺中市西屯區公所)( ", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市西屯區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "夢奇地", "creator": "郭國相  ", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市西屯區惠來里惠來路2段1號(臺中市惠來立體停車場) ", "type": "立體浮雕、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市停車管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "驛", "creator": "郭國相  ", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市西屯區惠來里惠來路2段1號(臺中市惠來立體停車場) ", "type": "立體浮雕、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市停車管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall 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"臺中市太平托兒所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "歇腳石-旱溪印象", "creator": "鄭聰文  ", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市東區東英里19鄰三賢街245號(臺中市立成功國民小學) ", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市東區成功國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "北勢好棒 棒棒相傳", "creator": "陳冠寰  ", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區六路里南陽路376號(臺中市沙鹿區北勢國小)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區北勢國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "學海無涯", "creator": "廖述乾  ", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市梧棲區民生街15-77號(梧棲社區公共托育家園)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、立體雕塑、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市梧棲社區公共托育家園", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "荷顏葉色", "creator": "楊尊智", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市大里區現岱路60號(臺中市大元國民小學)  ", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大里區大元國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "守護", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市神岡區豐洲路489號(臺中市政府警察局豐原分局) ", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府警察局豐原分局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "生命樹", "creator": "黃清輝", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市豐原區南陽路515號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "財政部臺灣省中區國稅局豐原分局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "沙漏寶瓶", "creator": "黃清輝", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市豐原區南陽路515號", "type": "平面數位影像、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "財政部臺灣省中區國稅局豐原分局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "樹與果實", "creator": "黃清輝", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市豐原區南陽路515號", "type": "立體雕塑、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "財政部臺灣省中區國稅局豐原分局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "球心球變", "creator": "邱泰洋 ", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市豐原區圓環南路50號(國立豐原高級商業職業學校)  ", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立豐原高級商業職業學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "432", "title": "警察心、古堡情", "creator": "林文海", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市大肚區瑞井里11鄰遊園路1段1-1號 ", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府警察局烏日分局瑞井派出所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "413", "title": "攜手同心", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市霧峰區四德國小 (臺中市霧峰區四德路504號)  ", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市霧峰區四德國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "安全信任(樂活城市系列之三)", "creator": "許文融", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市豐原區安康路100號(衛生福利部豐原醫院急重症暨外傷中心大樓) ", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "行政院衛生署豐原醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "關懷(樂活城市系列之二)", "creator": "許文融", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市豐原區安康路100號(衛生福利部豐原醫院急重症暨外傷中心大樓) ", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "行政院衛生署豐原醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "快樂之城(樂活城市系列之一)", "creator": "許文融 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市豐原區安康路100號(衛生福利部豐原醫院急重症暨外傷中心大樓) ", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "行政院衛生署豐原醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "SMOOTH", "creator": "楊尊智 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市南屯區惠中路三段98號(臺中市立大墩國中)  ", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市立大墩國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "希望森林", "creator": "楊尊智 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市南屯區惠中路三段98號(臺中市立大墩國中)  ", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市立大墩國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "看見大墩", "creator": "楊尊智 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市南屯區惠中路三段98號(臺中市立大墩國中)  ", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市立大墩國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "變形蟲", "creator": "邱連恭 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市南屯區黎明路一段425號(臺中市南屯區鎮平國民小學) ", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市鎮平國小", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "蛹生化蝶", "creator": "陳姿文 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市南屯區黎明路二段555號(臺中市南屯區黎明國民小學)", "type": "平面繪畫、立體浮雕、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市南屯區黎明國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "大墩之樂-愛的飛翔", "creator": "李昀珊 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市南屯區向上路二段201號(臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學) ", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "大墩之樂-快樂學棋趣", "creator": "李昀珊 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市南屯區向上路二段201號(臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學) ", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "大墩之樂-天籟樂語", "creator": "李昀珊 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市南屯區向上路二段201號(臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學) ", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "中平榮耀", "creator": "王柏霖 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市太平區太平路300號(臺中市立中平國民中學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市立中平國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "淵遠流長", "creator": "王柏霖 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市太平區太平路300號(臺中市立中平國民中學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市立中平國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "孔明鎖", "creator": "陳姿文 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市梧棲區臨港路4 段390 號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "法務部調查局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "飛璇雲端", "creator": "黃兆明 ", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市中部科學工業園區科園路22號 ", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "財團法人國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "知識的漣漪", "creator": "莊臥龍", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市南區忠明南路653號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市立崇倫國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "我們都是一家人", "creator": "林建榮", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市南屯區文心南九路119號5樓", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市消防局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" 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Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "童樂", "creator": "林俊成", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市潭子區得福街185號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市潭子區頭家國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "434", "title": "孕育", "creator": "蔡尉成", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市龍井區龍西里龍門路51號", "type": "", "manager": "龍井國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal 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Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "邁向未來", "creator": "陳翰平", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市烏日區中山路一段341號(臺中市烏日區僑仁國民小學體育館、司令台)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中縣烏日鄉僑仁國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "迎向世界", "creator": "陳翰平", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市烏日區中山路一段341號(臺中市烏日區僑仁國民小學體育館大樓旁牆面)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市烏日區僑仁國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "鬥陣", "creator": "胡棟民", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市太平區中山路二段57號(國立勤益科技大學圖書資訊大樓西側戶外廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立勤益科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "蛹現", "creator": "胡棟民", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市太平區中山路二段57號(國立勤益科技大學圖書資訊大樓西側戶外廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立勤益科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "醞釀", "creator": "胡棟民", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市太平區中山路二段57號(國立勤益科技大學圖書資訊大樓西側戶外廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立勤益科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "天堂鳥", "creator": "黃映蒲", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市東區育英路30號(臺中市立育英國民中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立育英國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "明天會更好", "creator": "林美怡", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市臺中路283號(國立中興大學附屬臺中高級農業職業學校)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學附屬臺中高級農業職業學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "中流砥柱一中興傳奇", "creator": "涂維政", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "航向幸福", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號(國立中興大學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "動物植物很快活", "creator": "洪易", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號(國立中興大學)", "type": "平面繪畫、立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "快樂成長", "creator": "陳翰平", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市南區復興路2段152號(臺中市立四育國中)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立四育國中", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "大樹下成長故事", "creator": "詹正弘", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市西區三民路1段171號(臺中市西區忠孝國民小學)", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市西區忠孝國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "藝術與生活", "creator": "徐富騰", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市博館路166號(臺中市立忠明高級中學)", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市立忠明高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "迎采", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市南屯區文心路1段289號(臺中市圓滿戶外劇場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府文化局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { 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"52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "民眾互動球椅", "creator": "曾郁文", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市北屯區四民里崇德路3段835號", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市政府", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "快樂泉源", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市西屯區 文中路168號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 惠來國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "飲水思源", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2009", "location": "學校大門入口左方綠地", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 西屯國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile 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"52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "磁場天河‧溥博淵泉", "creator": "黃兆明", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市西屯區 福林路333號", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市立福科國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "飛訊彩翼 鴻鵠之志", "creator": "黃兆明", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市西屯區 福林路333號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立福科國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "觀眾", "creator": "林金昌", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市南屯區春安路109號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市春安國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile 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"0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "432", "title": "快樂築夢-鄉土情懷", "creator": "陳翰平", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市大肚區沙田路1段364號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市大肚區追分國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "鹿躍雲騰", "creator": "林美怡", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區竹林里中棲路303號", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "國立沙鹿高級工業職業學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "434", "title": "歷代書藝名家擷英", "creator": "王錦垣", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市龍井區龍新路162號", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市龍井區龍泉國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "化蝶:學習、成長、蛻變", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市清水區五權路336號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市清水區大秀國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "秋波龍泉", "creator": "陳翰平", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市清水區三田路4號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市三田國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile 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"52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "439", "title": "海墘之美", "creator": "陳翰平", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市大安區海墘村大安港路1100號", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "海墘國小", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "翔虹天地", "creator": "李億勳", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市西區三民路一段199號(行政院衛生署臺中醫院)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "行政院衛生署臺中醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "桂園春暖", "creator": "李億勳", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市西區三民路一段199號(行政院衛生署臺中醫院)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "行政院衛生署臺中醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "桂花飄香", "creator": "李億勳", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市西區三民路一段199號(行政院衛生署臺中醫院)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "行政院衛生署臺中醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "造飛機", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市北區崇德路一段109號(臺中市北區省三國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市北區省三國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking 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"立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 長安國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "家族", "creator": "邱連恭", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市西屯區 櫻花路18號(臺中市西屯區長安國民小學)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 長安國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "春在枝頭", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市西屯區西屯路二段上石南六巷25號(臺中市上石國小)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市上石國小", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "向上、向善", "creator": "林宜聰", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市西屯區惠來里市政路456號(臺中市政府警察局第六分局)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府警察局第六分局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "新社花海", "creator": "蕭凱尹", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市新社區興社街二段28之3號(臺中市政府警察局東勢分局新社分駐所)", "type": "平面繪畫", "manager": "臺中市警察局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "自由之音 I", "creator": "許文融", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市潭子區豐興路一段139號(臺灣臺中地方法院)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺灣臺中地方法院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "自由之音 II", "creator": "許文融", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市潭子區豐興路一段139號(臺灣臺中地方法院)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺灣臺中地方法院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "永恆的河", "creator": "王龍德", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市神岡區圳堵村三民路639號", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市神岡區圳堵國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "英雄之愛", "creator": "張也", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區鎮南路二段476號(臺中市政府消防局第四救災救護大隊沙鹿分隊)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市消防局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "人文甲中、榮耀甲子", "creator": "王明榮", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市大甲區中山路一段720號(國立大甲高級中學)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "國立大甲高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "快樂希望、豐富人文", "creator": "王明榮", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市大甲區中山路一段720號(國立大甲高級中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立大甲高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "球之光", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2008", "location": "臺中市東區進化路223號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市東區力行國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "鞋子", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市南區國光路261號 (臺中市南區國光國民小學語香樓前庭)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市南區國光國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "百年樹人", "creator": "賈方元", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市南區復興路二段57號(臺中市南區和平國民小學A棟2-4樓造型輕質牆)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市南區和平國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "人與土地", "creator": "林文海", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中西區三民路一段158號(臺中市中山地政事務所)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市中山地政事務所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "<+-×÷123>", "creator": "徐富騰", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西區中港路一段414號(臺中市西區忠明國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市西區忠明國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "Light Code", "creator": "林建榮", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西區民生路168號(財政部臺灣省中區國稅局)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "財政部臺灣省中區國稅局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "發光體", "creator": "陶亞倫", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西區民生路168號(財政部臺灣省中區國稅局)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "財政部臺灣省中區國稅局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "山韻", "creator": "楊元太", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西區民生路168號(財政部臺灣省中區國稅局)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "財政部臺灣省中區國稅局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "源源不絕", "creator": "蕭勤", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西區民生路168號(財政部臺灣省中區國稅局)", "type": "平面繪畫", "manager": "財政部臺灣省中區國稅局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "生命之泉", "creator": "蕭勤", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西區民生路168號", "type": "平面繪畫", "manager": "財政部臺灣省中區國稅局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "行舟", "creator": "林辰晏", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西區自由路一段97號(臺中市立居仁國民中學居仁樓前水池)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立居仁國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "雙十意象", "creator": "邱泰洋、陳政谷", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市北區力行路258號(臺中市北區雙十國民中學行政大樓前草皮)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市北區雙十國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "守護天將", "creator": "張也", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市北屯區北屯路106號(臺中市政府警察局第五分局)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市警察局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "第八天系列-起飛", "creator": "陳松志", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市北屯區后庄路1062號(臺中市北屯區四民衛生所入口外右側牆面)", "type": "平面繪畫", "manager": "臺中市衛生局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "生命的樂章", "creator": "謝棟樑", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市北屯區崇德路三段568號(臺中市北屯區仁美國民小學活動中心樓梯外牆壁面)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市北屯區仁美國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "活力種子", "creator": "廖飛熊", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市北屯區僑孝街80號(臺中市立北新國民中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立北新國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "北新躍起", "creator": "廖飛熊", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市北屯區僑孝街80號(臺中市立北新國民中學)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市立北新國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "新生活", "creator": "林金昌", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西屯區文中路168號(臺中市西屯區 惠來國民小學)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 惠來國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "祕密花園", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西屯區 國祥街1號(臺中市西屯區國安國民小學", "type": "平面壁畫、立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 國安國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "溫馨、活潑、快樂多", "creator": "賈方元", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市西屯區 廣福路150巷99號(臺中市西屯區 泰安國民小學", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 泰安國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "風洞", "creator": "張鶴金", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市南屯區忠勇路97號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市南屯區文山國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "藏寶箱", "creator": "陳健", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市大里區勝利二路1號(臺中市纖維工藝博物館)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府文化局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "親情", "creator": "郭清治", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市大雅區二和里學府路230號(臺中市大雅國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大雅國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "樹的回憶", "creator": "黃瑞慶", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市南區工學路72號(臺中市南區區公所)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市南區區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "蓄勢待發", "creator": "鄧廉懷、鄧臣敦、鄧光棋", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號(國立中興大學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "日光下的風景", "creator": "王振瑋", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市西區民權路105號(臺中市食品藥物安全處)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市食品藥物安全處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "智慧之源", "creator": "林文海", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市北屯區后庄路699號(臺中市四張犁國民中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市四張犁國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "有影!歡迎", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市北屯區崇德路三段568號(臺中市仁美國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市仁美國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "我在雲裡", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市北屯區崇德路三段568號(臺中市仁美國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市仁美國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "大鵬之翼", "creator": "黃映蒲", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市西屯區中平路268號(臺中市大鵬國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大鵬國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "快樂轉轉", "creator": "李俊明", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市西屯區 工業三十八路198號臺中市協和國小分校)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市協和國小分校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "生命的色彩", "creator": "莊臥龍", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市西屯區 西屯路二段299號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市衛生局西屯區 衛生所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "432", "title": "大肚之美-自然人文意象", "creator": "張也", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市大肚區大德六街30號(臺中市大肚社區親子圖書館入口右側牆面)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市立圖書館大肚分館", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "413", "title": "奇花異果 新世界", "creator": "賴純純", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市霧峰區萬豐村豐正路255號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "行政院農業委員會農業技術園區", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "白鷺之歌", "creator": "簡源忠", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市東區育英路60號(臺中市東區成功國民小學校門右側牆面)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市東區成功國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "所拾", "creator": "廖秀玲", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市北屯區雷中街2-23號(臺中市北屯區大德國民中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市北屯區大德國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "深耕‧生根", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市北屯區后庄路910號(臺中市北屯區四張犁國民小學)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市北屯區四張犁國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "生命的禮讚", "creator": "王振瑋", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市北屯區軍和街43號(臺中市北屯區建功國民小學樂學樓川堂牆面)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市北屯區建功國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "聚沙成塔", "creator": "林舜龍、楊仁明、張明風", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市西屯區文心路二段99號(臺中市政府地方稅務局 文心分局)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府地方稅務局 文心分局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "守護尋航", "creator": "林舜龍、楊仁明、張明風", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市西屯區文心路二段99號(臺中市政府地方稅務局 文心分局)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府地方稅務局 文心分局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "黑潮洄游", "creator": "林舜龍、楊仁明、張明風", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市西屯區文心路二段99號(臺中市政府地方稅務局 文心分局)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府地方稅務局 文心分局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "天書添殊、神筆比神", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市西屯區 西苑路268號(臺中市西屯區西苑高級中學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市西屯區 西苑高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "童顏", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市南屯區三厝里公益路二段300號(臺中市南屯區惠文國民小學)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市南屯區惠文國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "招財", "creator": "賴純純", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市梧棲區臺灣銀行臺中港分行", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺灣銀行臺中港分行", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "進寶Ⅰ", "creator": "賴純純", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市梧棲區臺灣銀行臺中港分行", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺灣銀行臺中港分行", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "進寶Ⅱ", "creator": "賴純純", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市梧棲區臺灣銀行臺中港分行", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺灣銀行臺中港分行", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "賴厝之樹", "creator": "林文海", "Year": "2004", "location": "臺中市北區漢口路四段168號(臺中市北區賴厝國民小學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市北區賴厝國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "彩色的雲朵", "creator": "邱連恭", "Year": "2004", "location": "臺中市北屯區四平路71號(仁愛國民小學健康樓穿堂天花板)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市北屯區仁愛國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "藏寶圖", "creator": "邱連恭", "Year": "2004", "location": "臺中市北屯區四平路71號(仁愛國民小學大門穿堂地面)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市北屯區仁愛國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "舞動的青春", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2004", "location": "408臺中市南屯區黎明路一段425號(臺中市南屯區鎮平國民小學)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市南屯區鎮平國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "展翅", "creator": "蕭任能", "Year": "2004", "location": "臺中縣太平市中山路四段27號(臺中太平宜欣郵局)", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中太平宜欣郵局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "413", "title": "人與土地", "creator": "林文海", "Year": "2004", "location": "臺中市霧峰區中正路189號(行政院農業委員會農業試驗所土壤館)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "行政院農業委員會農業試驗所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "413", "title": "人與昆蟲:創造之手", "creator": "林文海", "Year": "2004", "location": "行政院農業委員會農業試驗所養蟲室", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "行政院農業委員會農業試驗所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "413", "title": "人與昆蟲:蟲蟲總動員", "creator": "林文海", "Year": "2004", "location": "行政院農業委員會農業試驗所養蟲室", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "行政院農業委員會農業試驗所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "413", "title": "活潑快樂", "creator": "陳永忠", "Year": "2004", "location": "臺中市霧峰區中正路79-5號(行政院農業委員會農業試驗所)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "行政院農業委員會農業試驗所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "無遠弗屆", "creator": "林文海", "Year": "2004", "location": "臺中市烏日區光日路123號(臺中烏日郵局)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中烏日郵局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "魚雁往返‧大墩有情", "creator": "餘埕設計工程有限公司", "Year": "2003", "location": "臺中市南屯區向上路二段199號(臺中郵政總局郵件處理中心外人行道)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中郵政總局郵件處理中心", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "傾城之約", "creator": "陳姿文", "Year": "2001", "location": "42058臺中市豐原區南陽路逸仙莊1號(行政院林務局東勢林區管理處)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "行政院林務局東勢林區管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "展望", "creator": "湯文德", "Year": "2002", "location": "臺中市北屯區崇德路三段10號(臺中市北屯區公所辦公大樓南側植草磚地坪)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市北屯區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "悅讀", "creator": "陳松", "Year": "2002", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區鎮南路二段488號(沙鹿鎮立公園,臺中市立圖書館沙鹿深波分館研習教室前)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "黃金屋", "creator": "王國憲", "Year": "2002", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區鎮南路二段488號(沙鹿鎮立公園,臺中市立圖書館沙鹿深波分館研習教室前)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "真、善、美、新-快樂天堂", "creator": "劉凱群", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中巿太平區長億六街1號(臺中市立長億高級中學)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市立長億高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "臺中風物志-城市之川", "creator": "川貝母", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西屯區 市政北三路與市政北五路之間", "type": "平面數位影像", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "和平之光", "creator": "蕭凱尹", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市南區美村南路8號(臺中市警察局健康派出所)", "type": "平面繪畫、立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市警察局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "茁壯", "creator": "鄧廉懷、鄧臣敦、鄧光棋", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號(國立中興大學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "穿越歷史的藤蔓-從拿破崙的鈕釦到牛頓的蘋果對話篇", "creator": "王國益", "Year": "2010", "location": "臺中市北區育才街2號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中第一高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "萌", "creator": "鄧廉懷、鄧臣敦、鄧光棋", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號(國立中興大學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "衍然而生", "creator": "鄧廉懷、鄧臣敦、鄧光棋", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號(國立中興大學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "迎合", "creator": "鄧廉懷、鄧臣敦、鄧光棋", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號(國立中興大學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "智慧的種子", "creator": "余燈銓", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市太平區中山路二段57號(國立勤益科技大學管理館)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立勤益科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "424", "title": "豐收祭", "creator": "陳美華", "Year": "2004", "location": "臺中市和平區武陵路3-1號(武陵農場第二國民賓館一樓大廳)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會武陵農場", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "社團", "creator": "余燈銓、張忘", "Year": "2005", "location": "臺中市太平區中山路二段57號(國立勤益科技大學管理館)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立勤益科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal 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and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "陽光大地", "creator": "郭清治", "Year": "2006", "location": "臺中市南屯區公益路二段296號(國立臺中特殊教育學校)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺中特殊教育學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "423", "title": "鷹揚", "creator": "白滄沂", "Year": "2006", "location": "423臺中市東勢區東關路六段1328號(國立東勢高級工業職業學校)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立東勢高級工業職業學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "和平之歌", "creator": "陳松志", "Year": "2007", "location": "臺中市北區太原路二段228號(臺中市政府警察局第二分局大門右側停車場上方牆面)", "type": "平面數位影像、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市警察局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "鉅細靡遺", "creator": "陳姿文", "Year": "2009", "location": "臺中市西屯區 大石里10鄰中清路105巷89號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國防部中部地方軍事法院暨檢察署", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "感恩惜福", "creator": "許文融 ", "Year": "2013", "location": "臺中市后里區三豐路72號(臺中啟明學校)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺中啟明學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration 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"臺中市東區仁和路330號(臺中市立東峰國民中學新建教學大樓前廣場)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市立東峰國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "載體、流年", "creator": "賴亭玟、馬君輔", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市南區復興路三段 362 號", "type": "", "manager": "文化部文化資產局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "綠晶典", "creator": "賴純純", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西區五權西路一段2號(國立臺灣美術館)", "type": "", "manager": "國立臺灣美術館", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "光的競速", "creator": "陳姿文", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 中科路 2 號", "type": "", "manager": "中部科學工業園區", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "光的調色", "creator": "陳姿文", "Year": "2014", "location": "臺中市西屯區 中科路 2 號", "type": "", "manager": "中部科學工業園區", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "樂來樂好", "creator": "陳冠寰、闕寶如", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市后里區甲后路1段168號(后里國小)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市后里區后里國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "驚讚大地", "creator": "柯燕美", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市后里區甲后路二段588號(月眉國小)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市后里區月眉國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "月眉慶豐收", "creator": "柯燕美", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市后里區甲后路二段588號(月眉國小)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市后里區月眉國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "輕鬆 (松)快樂上學去", "creator": "洪易", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市烏日區榮泉里健行路501號(旭光國小)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市烏日區旭光國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "時光印記", "creator": "黃秋月", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市西屯區市政北一路56號", "type": "平面繪畫", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "今鳴豐年、慶安康", 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"0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "種子興大業-果實", "creator": "謝惠忠建築師事務所", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250 號(中興大學)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "悅。精彩", "creator": "王懷亮", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市太平區太平路300號(中平國民中學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市立中平國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking 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"manager": "臺中市議會", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "共生共榮─林中鹿", "creator": "陳明輝、劉素幸", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市西屯區市政北一路56號(臺中市議會)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市議會", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "星座創作/臺中市大甲區東明國民小學守衛室新建工程", "creator": "臺中市大甲區東明國民小學", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大甲區東明國民小學圖書室(臺中市大甲區東明路93號)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business 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"2019", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "動物農莊", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市南區興大路145號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "品閱新天地", "creator": "謝明憲", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市北區健行路666號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市北區健行國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business 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"2019", "location": "臺中市大雅區秀山路365號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大雅區陽明國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "美好泉源", "creator": "賴亭玟、馬君輔", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市西區三民路一段199號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "衛生福利部臺中醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "郵你真好 千里情牽", "creator": "黃敬中、李逸婷", "Year": "2020", "location": "41271臺中市大里區中興路一段298-3號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "中華郵政股份有限公司大里草湖郵局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "馳風巨輪‧日新轉動-馳風巨輪", "creator": "陳宏誠‧大瑪爾藝術設計有限公司", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大雅區忠義里13寮10號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "陸軍第五地區支援指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "青春自由式-力量的象徵", "creator": "許唐瑋", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市北區崇德路一段55號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府運動局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "413", "title": "時間影格", "creator": "章芙菱/奕屹設計", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市霧峰區峰堤路8號", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市政府新聞局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "422", "title": "丘壑(作品A)", "creator": "王懷亮", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市石岡區豐勢路1238號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "經濟部水利署中區水資源局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "臺中市西屯區公所龍潭里活動中心新建工程", "creator": "臺中市西屯區公所", "Year": "2019", "location": "", "type": "", "manager": "", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "強棒出擊", "creator": "廖述乾", "Year": "2019", "location": "", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區北勢國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "築家青鳥", "creator": "陳芍伊、林龍杰", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大里區甲興路100號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市政府社會局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "順水傳情", "creator": "林仁信/岩筆工作室", "Year": "2019", "location": "420臺中市豐原區豐原大道二段598號(豐原水資源回收中心)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府水利局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "喜閱的種子", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2019", "location": "403 臺中市西區英才路 423 號", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市西區中正國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "423", "title": "巧藝話石角", "creator": "林嘉慧", "Year": "2019", "location": "423005臺中市東勢區東坑路西盛巷22號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市東勢區石角國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile 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Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "迎向勝利", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市北區雙十路一段16號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立臺灣體運動大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "葉羽新藝", "creator": "歐陽奇", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大里區國中路365號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立大里高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "乘著豐羽飛翔", "creator": "陳芍伊、林龍杰", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市東區旱溪西路一段300號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市東區成功國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "形塑空間與時間的意涵", "creator": "陳明輝", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大雅區中清路五段2號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "空軍第三戰術戰鬥機聯隊", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "和之樂", "creator": "洪翠娟", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市西屯區天助街1號(臺中市立安和國民中學都市廣場至音樂廣場地面)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市立安和國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "悅讀樹", "creator": "簡源忠", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市烏日區溪南路2段370號", "type": "平面壁畫、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市烏日區喀哩國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "439", "title": "鯨生華", "creator": "陳芍伊、林龍杰", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大安區海墘里10鄰中山北路1巷67號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市大安區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "臺中市大甲區大甲國民小學無照校舍補照工程", "creator": "中原大學及大甲國小學生", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大甲區育德路233號(臺中市大甲區大甲國民小學)", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市大甲區大甲國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "臺中市太平區新光國民小學專科教室新建工程", "creator": "臺中市太平區新光國民小學", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市太平區新興路200號", "type": "", "manager": "", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "彩羽欣願", "creator": "戴欣妤,景茂藝術有限公司", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市北屯區軍福13路300號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市潭子區軍功國小", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "435", "title": "由來游趣 樂梧棲", "creator": "席真藝術有限公司", "Year": "2020", "location": "43546臺中市梧棲區民生街45號", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市梧棲區梧棲國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "冊流", "creator": "劉臻/弈屹設計", "Year": "2020", "location": "404臺中市北區精武路291-3號 (臺中市立圖書館精武分館)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體垂吊及壁掛造形、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市立圖書館精武分館", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "十年・有成", "creator": "五行創藝設計有限公司 龔文宜", "Year": "2020", "location": "420臺中市豐原區水源路150號(豐原高中)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立豐原高級中等學校", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "423", "title": "活力東華/臺中市立東華國民中學北棟校舍拆除重建工程", "creator": "臺中市立東華國民中學", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市立東華國民中學", "type": "平面壁畫、立體傢俱設施、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市立東華國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "捲尺的秘密", "creator": "大體工作室", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市東區仁和路330號", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市立東峰國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "臺中市神岡區社口國民小學風雨走廊建築工程", "creator": "臺中市神岡區社口國民小學", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市神岡區社南街136號(臺中市神岡區社口國民小學風雨走廊)", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市神岡區社口國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "一起同在/ 臺中市太平區公所「新光、新興、新高里聯合活動中心興建工程」", "creator": "黃子庭、葉建宏/雙宏知識國際有限公司", "Year": "2019", "location": "新光、新興、新高里聯合活動中心", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市太平區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "海韻", "creator": "宋璽德", "Year": "2019", "location": "436臺中市清水區海濱里北堤路30 號(梧棲觀光漁港)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "行政院農業委員會漁業署", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "遠方的晴天", "creator": "溫孟瑜", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區中正街 94 號", "type": "平面數位影像", "manager": "臺灣鐵路管理局沙鹿車站", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "旅行的記憶", "creator": "黃耿茂", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區中正街 94 號", "type": "立體浮雕、立體垂吊及壁掛造形、立體傢俱設施、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺灣鐵路管理局沙鹿車站", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "匯聚", "creator": "胡棟民", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市烏日區高鐵東一路 26", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺灣鐵路管理局新烏日車站", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "羽願", "creator": "胡棟民", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市烏日區高鐵東一路 26", "type": "立體雕塑、立體垂吊及壁掛造形、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺灣鐵路管理局新烏日車站", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "花蝶共舞.爭艷臺中", "creator": "陳麗杏", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中花博豐原葫蘆墩園區第五區入口廣場", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "豐原樂菓組曲", "creator": "許唐瑋", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中花博豐原葫蘆墩園區第五區入口廣場", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "豐中陽溢", "creator": "許振隆", "Year": "2019", "location": "420臺中市豐原區朝陽路33 號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市立豐陽國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "綠野仙蹤", "creator": "陳明輝", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市西區精誠二十三街65號", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市政府交通局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "思考與想像", "creator": "羅傑", "Year": "2019", "location": "411 臺中市太平區中山北路二段57號(國立勤益科技大學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立勤益科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "技術與創新", "creator": "羅傑", "Year": "2019", "location": "411 臺中市太平區中山北路二段57號(國立勤益科技大學)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立勤益科技大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "438", "title": "花漾舞春風 蝶影躍森悠", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2019", "location": "2018臺中世界花卉博覽會外埔園區樂農館旁花海山丘", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府農業局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking 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"Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "豐收的秘密", "creator": "徐書雲、周草子", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市豐原區豐南街151號", "type": "平面壁畫、立體雕塑、組合形式", "manager": "臺中市立豐南國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "揚潭新象", "creator": "郭國相", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市潭子區潭興路一段與豐興路一段路口", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府民政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "希望寰宇", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市南屯區文心南三路22號", "type": "立體雕塑、立體垂吊及壁掛造形、立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "內政部移民署", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "和諧聲響", "creator": "蘇福隆、許長倫", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市新社區華豐街137-1號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "陸軍第十軍團指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "守護家園", "creator": "廖迎晰", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市新社區華豐街137-1號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "陸軍第十軍團指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "同心共進.美好時光", "creator": "林建佑、林韋佑", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市新社區華豐街137-1號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "陸軍第十軍團指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "十方", "creator": "王存武", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市新社區華豐街137-1號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "陸軍第十軍團指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business 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"creator": "簡明輝", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市西屯區臺灣大道四段1650號(臺中榮民總醫院)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中榮民總醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "杏林蹊徑-護生", "creator": "簡明輝", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市西屯區臺灣大道四段1650號(臺中榮民總醫院)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中榮民總醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "讀樂.無限.大未來", "creator": "楊尊智", "Year": "2012", "location": "40246臺中市南區五權南路100號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立公共資訊圖書館", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall 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"Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "434", "title": "飛龍在天", "creator": "謝棟樑", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市龍井區新庄里中沙路新庄仔巷2號", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市龍井區龍峰國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "和樂融融", "creator": "彰城興業有限公司", "Year": "2019", "location": "", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市烏日區烏日國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "花羨美好", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市新社區新社里興社街四段58號對面", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市新社區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "迎向勝利-超越", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市北區雙十路一段16號", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "國立臺灣體運動大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "迎向勝利-分享", "creator": "林昭慶", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市北區雙十路一段16號", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "國立臺灣體運動大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile 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"0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "樂活之森", "creator": "陳明輝", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中松竹車站(臺中市北屯區松竹路一段1473巷100號)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "交通部臺灣鐵路管理局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "迴", "creator": "簡明輝", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中潭子車站廣場(臺中市潭子區中山路二段352-1號)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "交通部臺灣鐵路管理局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "故事正在發生", "creator": "陳姿文", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市南區國光路250號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "432", "title": "樂園", "creator": "創客設計有限公司", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大肚區永順里文昌路二段586號", "type": "平面繪畫", "manager": "臺中市大肚區永順國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "432", "title": "小玉喵", "creator": "創客設計有限公司", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大肚區永順里文昌路二段586號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大肚區永順國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "乘光", "creator": "物件美好設計有限公司", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市豐原區育英路150號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府交通局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "麥田圈的秘密", "creator": "席珍藝術有限公司/徐書雲、周草子", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市大雅區學府路280號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立大雅國民中學總務處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "生之芽", "creator": "賴亭玟、馬君輔", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市西區三民路一段199號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "衛生福利部臺中醫院", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "湧泉以報", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市政府消防局清泉分隊 (臺中市沙鹿區中清路六段119號)", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市政府消防局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "轉程", "creator": "張意欣", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市南區大慶街二段130號", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "交通部臺灣鐵路管理局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "星球交響曲", "creator": "陳芍伊", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市西屯區東海國民小學(臺中市西屯區國際街75號)", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市西屯區東海國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "榮耀", "creator": "詹志鴻", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市立新社高級中學體育班宿舍進出口門外右側(426015臺中市新社區中和街3段國中巷10號)", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市立新社高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "434", "title": "錦上添花", "creator": "黃敬中", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市龍井區龍井國民小學司令臺北側綠地", "type": "立體浮雕、立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市龍井區龍井國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "守望:動物國探索", "creator": "桴日意至設計有限公司 x魏少君、劉凱亭", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市動物之家后里園區(421-007臺中市后里區堤防路370號)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市動物保護防疫處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "438", "title": "字裡的風景", "creator": "林一中", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市立圖書館外埔分館大門入口前草皮", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立圖書館 外埔分館", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "繪燴匯", "creator": "好得藝術工作室", "Year": "2021", "location": "八方國際觀光夜市(建物正面主入口區兩座花台區塊)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市豐原區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "434", "title": "悠游", "creator": "吳建福、吳璦", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市龍井區龍港國民小學升旗臺背側牆面", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市龍井區龍港國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "國防之盾", "creator": "陳麗杏、姜憲明/璞林國際藝術有限公司", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市神岡區神清路163號(空軍防空暨飛彈指揮部)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "空軍防空暨飛彈指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "向心力(一)", "creator": "陳麗杏、姜憲明/璞林國際藝術有限公司", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市神岡區神清路163號(空軍防空暨飛彈指揮部)", "type": "", "manager": "空軍防空暨飛彈指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "429", "title": "向心力(二)", "creator": "陳麗杏、姜憲明/璞林國際藝術有限公司", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市神岡區神清路163號(空軍防空暨飛彈指揮部)", "type": "", "manager": "空軍防空暨飛彈指揮部", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "臺中市立后里國民中學102年度風雨操場興建工程公共藝術教育推廣計畫", "creator": "臺中市立后里國民中學", "Year": "2019", "location": " 臺中市后里區眉山里中眉路169號(臺中市立后里國民中學風雨操場)", "type": "", "manager": "", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "文昌管樂展風華,花博意象傳真情/臺中市大甲區文昌國民小學D棟教室無照校舍補領建築執照暨設施設備改善工程", "creator": "黃黎珠及文昌國小高年級學生", "Year": "2020", "location": "43749臺中市大甲區育德路113號", "type": "立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市大甲區文昌國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "426", "title": "逐風的種子/臺中市新社區大南國民小學西棟校舍拆除重建工程", "creator": "戴嘉慧、葉建宏/雙宏知識國際有限公司", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市新社區興中街47號(臺中市新社區大南國民小學)", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市新社區大南國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學半戶外球場新建工程", "creator": "臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市南屯區大墩國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "臺中市大甲區大甲國民小學 半戶外球場新建工程", "creator": "臺中市大甲區大甲國民小學", "Year": "2021", "location": "", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市大甲區大甲國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "臺中市立長億高級中學資源回收場整修工程", "creator": "臺中市立長億高級中學", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市太平區長億六街1號(臺中市立長億高級中學)", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市立長億高級中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "臺中市北屯區大坑國民小學幼兒園遮雨棚工程", "creator": "臺中市北屯區大坑國民小學", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市北屯區東山路二段112號(臺中市北屯區大坑國民小學遮雨棚基地)", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市北屯區大坑國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "臺中市立圖書館李科永紀念圖書館新建工程", "creator": "臺中市立圖書館", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市南屯區龍富路五段1號", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市立圖書館李科永紀念圖書館", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "獅威、虎嘯", "creator": "蘇福隆", "Year": "2021", "location": "獅威:成功道十字路口左側草皮 虎嘯:302 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"66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "423", "title": "永生之樹", "creator": "王存武", "Year": "2021", "location": "東勢白鶴亭殯儀館後門面山坡開放處", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市生命禮儀管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "精密之樹", "creator": "豪華朗機工", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市精密機械科技創新園區A1二期標準廠房 入口廣場", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府經濟發展局、臺中市政府勞工局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "瑰麗的運行", "creator": 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"LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "圓的漫遊", "creator": "林舜龍", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市精密機械科技創新園區服務中心外側三面牆面上", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市政府經濟發展局、臺中市政府勞工局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "育見自信", "creator": "王信雄、陳嘉雯", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市立育英國民中學育英堂南側牆面", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市立育英國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" 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"臺灣菸酒股份有限公司臺中營業處臺中發貨中心", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "花花世界", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市東英非營利幼兒園校園內綠地", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市東英非營利幼兒園", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "快樂花園", "creator": "吳建福", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市豐樂非營利幼兒園校門前花圃", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市豐樂非營利幼兒園", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of 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"Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "宅之風景進程", "creator": "賴映蓉、陳珈汝、好伴社計及大里社宅居民", "Year": "2019", "location": "大里光正段社會住宅A棟(10號) 2、5、7、8樓之日光陽台大里光正段社會住宅B棟(8號) 3、4、6、9樓之日光陽台", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市政府住宅發展工程處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "N張桌子、N張椅子", "creator": "AHA 臺灣義築協會、陳建同、周學涵、好伴社計及太平社宅居民", "Year": "2020", "location": "太平育賢段社會住宅1樓 A棟半戶外開放空間2樓 多功能烹飪教室2樓 公共廊道", "type": "立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市政府住宅發展工程處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises 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"臺中市梧棲區永寧國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "鰲峰群英會", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市自由車場廣場圓環", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府運動局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "424", "title": "守護", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市政府消防局第二救災救護大隊梨山分隊建物1樓入口處牆面", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市政府消防局第二救災救護大隊梨山分隊", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number 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"臺中市立雙十國民中學:臺中市北區力行路258號大門入口右方草皮、景觀區", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市立雙十國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "翱翔大明星", "creator": "周承恩、徐書雲", "Year": "2022", "location": "臺中市大雅區中清路四段158號 臺中市大雅區大明國民小學明義樓新校舍牆面", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市大雅區大明國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "如風的行板", "creator": "陳姿文", "Year": "2022", "location": "臺中市立安和國民中學音樂館旁水池", "type": "水景", "manager": "臺中市立安和國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "439", "title": "雨露恩澤", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2022", "location": "大安港媽祖園區廣場右側", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府觀光旅遊局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "439", "title": "風和日麗", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2022", "location": "大安港媽祖文化園區廣場區左側", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府觀光旅遊局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "停車.MRT遇見ART", 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"402", "title": "花中聚", "creator": "陳明輝", "Year": "2022", "location": "國立中興大學興大二村男生宿舍中庭,宿舍入口長形座椅旁。", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "興士成林", "creator": "陳明輝", "Year": "2022", "location": "國立中興大學興大二村男生宿舍中庭,西棟宿舍入口旁。", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "國立中興大學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "新芽•共融", "creator": "林嘉慧", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市烏日區宗和社會福利館中央綠帶", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市政府社會局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "光點", "creator": "馬君輔、賴亭玟", "Year": "2022", "location": "大甲國民小學行政棟入口二樓延伸板", "type": "立體浮雕、立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市大甲區大甲國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "快樂學習角", "creator": "邱泰洋", "Year": "2022", "location": "公舘國民小學東棟校舍北側廣場", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區公舘國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "404", "title": "巧學", "creator": "景茂藝術有限公司/黃耿茂", "Year": "2023", "location": "北平路正門口及警衛室周邊牆面", "type": "平面壁畫、立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市北區立人國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "運轉城市", "creator": "林建佑、林韋佑、廖沛怡、楊鎮遠", "Year": "2022", "location": "豐原轉運站中心一樓穿廊", "type": "立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市停車管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "402", "title": "舞韻長春", "creator": "陳齊川", "Year": "2023", "location": "長春國民運動中心入口處左側綠地", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府運動局", 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"臺中市政府警察局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "幸福.向上向善", "creator": "蔡文祥、黃星瑀", "Year": "2023", "location": "入口造型格柵", "type": "立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市政府警察局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "友愛的守護", "creator": "蔡文祥", "Year": "2023", "location": "B棟前方右側綠地", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府警察局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking 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"387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "樹梢上飄揚的音符", "creator": "柏星景觀有限公司/曾永玲", "Year": "2023", "location": "多功能大樓入口東南方草地", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市立仁愛之家", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "日出山稜", "creator": "馬君輔、賴亭玟", "Year": "2022", "location": "操場旁樹林與遊憩區", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市北屯區東光國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking 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"國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "舞光拾色", "creator": "物件美好設計有限公司", "Year": "2023", "location": "入口處車道旁綠地", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市政府運動局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "412", "title": "匯聚 榮景", "creator": "歐陽奇", "Year": "2023", "location": "作品 A:建物北側綠帶 作品 B:建築機房外牆", "type": "平面壁畫、立體雕塑、立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市停車管理處", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "臺中印象", "creator": "陳凱森", "Year": "2024", "location": "檔案大樓正立面牆面", "type": "立體浮雕、立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市政府都市發展局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "活水漫波", "creator": "噪咖藝術有限公司", "Year": "2023", "location": "談論體驗區 (抹茶湖旁)", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局、臺中市政府地政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "座標系列 – 螢花", "creator": "高德亮", "Year": "2023", "location": "濕式滯洪池北端,鄰近聽覺體驗區及自我體驗區", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局、臺中市政府地政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "浮遊之花", "creator": "菲爾·普瑞斯", "Year": "2023", "location": "濕式滯洪池中", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局、臺中市政府地政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "逐光掠影", "creator": "物件美好/ 賴亭玟、馬君輔", "Year": "2023", "location": "機場跑道地景,鄰近兒童體健區與觸覺體驗區", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局、臺中市政府地政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "水湳種籽花園", "creator": "李昀珊", "Year": "2023", "location": "滯洪池岸(乾池區)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局、臺中市政府地政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "水湳客廳‧環生座椅", "creator": "新材質科技團隊", "Year": "2023", "location": "敦化路北側,紅色及藍色步道交會處", "type": "立體雕塑、立體傢俱設施", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局、臺中市政府地政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "時光琉彩", "creator": "高德亮", "Year": "2023", "location": "敦化路陸橋墩", "type": "立體雕塑、立體垂吊及壁掛造形", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局、臺中市政府地政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "光洵環", "creator": "有用主張", "Year": "2023", "location": "地下停車場路面層", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局、臺中市政府地政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "雀鳥園藝師", "creator": "史黛西·李維", "Year": "2023", "location": "地下停車場路面層", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市政府建設局、臺中市政府地政局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall 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and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "藍色大門", "creator": "我只在乎你藝術團隊", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市北屯區山西路二段233號", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "臺中市政府運動局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "臺中市清水區高美國民小學102年度南北棟教室通廊整建工程", "creator": "臺中市清水區 高美國民小學", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市清水區高美國民小學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市清水區 高美國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "臺中市清水區高美國民小學樓梯新建工程", "creator": "臺中市清水區 高美國民小學", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市清水區 高美國民小學", 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"66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "臺中市立潭秀國民中學半戶外球場新建工程", "creator": "臺中市立潭秀國民中學", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市立潭秀國民中學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市立潭秀國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "427", "title": "臺中市潭子區東寶國民小學設置半戶外球場工程", "creator": "臺中市潭子區 東寶國民小學", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市潭子區 東寶國民小學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市潭子區 東寶國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "臺中市清水區東山國民小學警衛室新建工程", "creator": "臺中市清水區東山國民小學", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市清水區神清路 6-1 號", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市清水區東山國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "臺中市北屯區建功國民小學弘道館雨遮暨地坪整建工程", "creator": "臺中市北屯區建功國小", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市北屯區建功國小", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市北屯區建功國小", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "414", "title": "臺中市烏日區東園國民小學新建幼兒園舍工程", "creator": "臺中市烏日區東園國民小學", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市烏日區東園國民小學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市烏日區東園國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "臺中市太平區公所陳列館、公廁新建工程", "creator": "臺中市太平區公所", "Year": "2019", "location": "太平古農莊文物館", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市太平區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "臺中市沙鹿區公明國民小學無照校舍補領建築執照暨設施設備改善工程", "creator": "臺中市沙鹿區公明國民小學", "Year": "2021", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區公明國民小學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區公明國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking 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"(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "臺中市豐原區豐村國民小學半戶外球場新建工程", "creator": "臺中市豐原區豐村國民小學", "Year": "2020", "location": "本校北勤樓三樓會議室、班級教室", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市豐原區豐村國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "福泉昇湧 龍耀大楊", "creator": "郭漢青", "Year": "2020", "location": "臺中市清水區大楊國民小學", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "臺中市清水區大楊國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "臺中市大甲區公所義和、新美聯合里活動中心拆除重建工程", "creator": "臺中市大甲區公所", "Year": "2021", "location": "義和、新美聯合里活動中心", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市大甲區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "臺中市北屯區松竹國民小學松竹樓新建連通廊道工程", "creator": "臺中市北屯區松竹國民小學", "Year": "2019", "location": "臺中市北屯區昌平路二段12號", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市北屯區松竹國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "臺中市政府環境保護局豐原區清潔隊豐原資源回收場既有建築物補領建築執照工程", "creator": "臺中市政府環境保護局", "Year": "2022", "location": "", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市政府環境保護局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "臺中市西屯區公所港尾里活動中心興建工程", "creator": "臺中市西屯區公所", "Year": "2022", "location": "臺中市西屯區公所", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市西屯區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "439", "title": "臺中市大安區大安國民小學中央廚房擴建工程", "creator": "臺中市大安區大安國民小學", "Year": "2023", "location": "臺中市大安區大安國民小學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市大安區大安國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "臺中市大甲區公所孟春社區暨聯合服務中心公共藝術教育推廣案", "creator": "臺中市大甲區公所", "Year": "2022", "location": "孟春社區暨聯合服務中心", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市大甲區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "臺中市大甲區東明國民小學友善育兒空間 107- 111 年新建公共化幼兒園園舍工程", "creator": "臺中市大甲區東明國民小學", "Year": "2023", "location": "臺中市大甲區東明國民小學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市大甲區東明國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "臺中市大甲區公所武陵市民活動中心公共藝術教育推廣案", "creator": "臺中市大甲區公所", "Year": "2022", "location": "武陵市民活動中心", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市大甲區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "406", "title": "臺中市北屯區北屯國民小學興建無障礙昇降設備工程公共藝術", "creator": "臺中市北屯國民小學", "Year": "2015", "location": "臺中市北屯區進化北路2號", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市北屯國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "411", "title": "臺中市太平區坪林、大興、勤益里市民活動中心新建工程", "creator": "臺中市太平區公所", "Year": "2023", "location": "臺中市太平區坪林、大興、勤益里", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市太平區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "臺中市西屯區公所廣福里活動中心興建工程", "creator": "臺中市西屯區公所", "Year": "2023", "location": "臺中市西屯區廣福里活動中心(西屯區中科路1777號)", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市西屯區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "420", "title": "臺中市豐原區翁子國民小學設置風雨走廊工程", "creator": "臺中市豐原區翁子國民小學", "Year": "2024", "location": "翁子國小半戶外球場、操場", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市豐原區翁子國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal 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Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "金色山脈", "creator": "李良仁/理繼文化藝術有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區中科路2號(中科路與科雅東路交叉口)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "四方風動", "creator": "派卓.培多夫/理繼文化藝術有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區中科路2號(中科臺中園區科園路停車場)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "科技部中部科學工業園區管理局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "流動.連結", "creator": "李良仁/理繼文化藝術有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區中科路2號(中科路與科雅路交叉口)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "科技部中部科學工業園區管理局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "生命綻放的窗景", "creator": "大衛.葛斯坦/蔚龍藝術有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區中科路2號(有眷宿舍前方花圃)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "中部科學工業園區", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "松鼠坡上的追逐", "creator": "大衛.葛斯坦/蔚龍藝術有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區中科路2號(西區帆船型水塔旁草坡)", "type": "", "manager": "科技部中部科學工業園區管理局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "407", "title": "紫斑蝶停留的樹上", "creator": "大衛.葛斯坦/蔚龍藝術有限公司", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市西屯區中科路2號(工商大樓入口綠帶處)", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "科技部中部科學工業園區管理局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "飛躍AI-I", "creator": "Marc Fornes/蔚龍藝術有限公司", "Year": "2022", "location": "中部科學園區后里園區崴立電機前綠帶空間", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "421", "title": "飛躍AI-II", "creator": "馬君輔、賴亭玟/蔚龍藝術有限公司", "Year": "2022", "location": "中部科學園區后里園區七星基地周邊綠帶", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "413", "title": "經濟部水利署第三河川局違規機具查扣場新建工程公共藝術教育推廣", "creator": "經濟部水利署第三河川局", "Year": "2016", "location": "經濟部水利署第三河川局", "type": "立體雕塑", "manager": "經濟部水利署第三河川局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "行政院海岸巡防署海岸巡防總局臺中機動查緝隊新建工程公共藝術教育推廣", "creator": "行政院海岸巡防署海岸巡防總局", "Year": "2016", "location": "行政院海岸巡防署海岸巡防總局", "type": "平面繪畫", "manager": "行政院海岸巡防署海岸巡防總局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "臺中市大雅區文雅國民小學風雨操場新建工程", "creator": "臺中市大雅區文雅國民小學", "Year": "2011", "location": "臺中市大雅區文雅國民小學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市大雅區文雅國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "439", "title": "臺中市立圖書館大安分館大安鄉公所圖書館電梯增建工程", "creator": "臺中市立圖書館大安分館", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市立圖書館大安分館", "type": "立體其他(立體其他技法媒材或同時擁有上述兩種以上立體形式之作品)", "manager": "臺中市立圖書館大安分館", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "403", "title": "臺中市西區區公所臺中市西區和龍、民龍聯合里活動中心新建工程", "creator": "臺中市西區區公所", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市西區區公所", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市西區區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "408", "title": "臺中市政府環境保護局回饋地區文山里圖書館3.4樓增建工程", "creator": "臺中市政府環境保護局", "Year": "2016", "location": "臺中市政府環境保護局", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市政府環境保護局", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "439", "title": "臺中市大安區公所公共廁所新建工程", "creator": "臺中市大安區公所", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市大安區公所", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市大安區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "432", "title": "臺中市大肚區公所活動中心、器材室新建工程", "creator": "臺中市大肚區公所", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市大肚區公所", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市大肚區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "臺中市沙鹿區文光國民小學無照校舍補領建築執照暨設施設備改善工程", "creator": "臺中市沙鹿區文光國民小學", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市沙鹿區文光國民小學", "type": "立體浮雕", "manager": "臺中市沙鹿區文光國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "422", "title": "臺中市石岡區石岡國民小學風雨球場新建工程及增建工程", "creator": "臺中市石岡區石岡國民小學", "Year": "2017", "location": "臺中市石岡區石岡國民小學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市石岡區石岡國民小學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "428", "title": "臺中市立圖書館大雅分館閱讀環境改善工程", "creator": "臺中市立圖書館大雅分館", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市立圖書館大雅分館", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市立圖書館大雅分館", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "433", "title": "臺中市立公明國民中學風雨球場興建工程", "creator": "臺中市立公明國民中學", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市立公明國民中學", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市立公明國民中學", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "401", "title": "臺中市東區區公所臺中市東區泉源里等四里多功能聯合活動中心", "creator": "臺中市東區區公所", "Year": "2018", "location": "臺中市東區樂業一路151號", "type": "", "manager": "臺中市東區區公所", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the 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"行政院農業會林務局東勢林區管理處出雲山苗圃育苗中心教育解說展示館", "creator": "行政院農業委員會林務局東勢林區管理處", "Year": "2012", "location": "行政院農業委員會林務局東勢林區管理處", "type": "", "manager": "", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "436", "title": "臺中市政府警察局清水分局大楊派出所新建工程公共藝術案", "creator": "臺中市政府警察局清水分局", "Year": "2012", "location": "臺中市政府警察局清水分局", "type": "平面壁畫", "manager": "", "Agency Codes": "387000000A", "Mobile Telephone": "0910289111", "LocalCall Service": "(04)22289111", "CountyCode": "66000", "Business Administration Number / Tax Code Number of the Profit-seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies": "52014700" }, { "Postal Code": "437", "title": "經濟部工業局大甲幼獅工業區污水處理廠擴(整)建與功能提升工程公共藝術案", "creator": "經濟部工業局大甲幼獅工業區服務中心", "Year": "2012", "location": "經濟部工業局大甲幼獅工業區服務中心", "type": "", "manager": "", "Agency 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